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Export raw reporting data

Last Update: Sep 2024 • Est. Read Time: 4 MIN
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Exporting your reporting data to CSV will give you quick access to customer and conversation details for one-off analysis. You can export this data one time or schedule the export to be sent out via email at scheduled times. With the CSV Export you can:

  • Export up to 30 days of data to multiple users.
  • Choose the object you want to export. 
  • Define the object attributes you want to export as columns in the CSV.
  • Arrange your attributes in the order you'd like them to appear in your CSV.

Note: This feature is designed for one-off or recurring data exports up to a daily frequency. We recommend using our real-time events stream if you’d like to continually export your Kustomer data to an external system, such as Redshift. Please contact us if you’re interested in this feature.

Who can access this feature?
User typesManagers can export a CSV.

In this article

Add a new export

You can create data exports to help you perform an analysis on your customer data outside of the Kustomer platform.

  1. Go to Reportingand then select Data Exports.
  2. Select Add Export.
  3. Add a name and enter the email addresses of everyone receiving the email containing the link to download the export. You can add up to 50 recipients.
  4. Optionally, enter a message.
  5. Select whether to export the data once or schedule a recurring export.
  6. Choose the data you want to export.
  7. Select Save.

The recipients will receive an email from Kustomer with your message and a direct link to download the CSV.

Choose how often your export runs

You can choose to run your Export Now or Schedule Recurring Export. If you choose to schedule a recurring export, you also have to set how often the export will be sent to your recipients, along with the date of when the export will stop being shared. You can schedule an export to send Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

Note: You can schedule up to 50 exports.

The Data Date Range section is where you can specify the date range of the data included in any export. The default value is the current day, and you can export up to the last 30 days worth of data. The default value is EST. These values differ based on the type of export you are running:

Export frequency
Data date range 

Current DayPast 30 MinutesPast 60 MinutesPast 24 HoursPast 7 DaysPast 30 days
Export NowXXXXXX
Schedule Recurring Export


You can also specify the time zone for the date range. The dates and timezone you select here are applied to when the object was created. For example, if you select June 1, 2020 - June 10, 2020 EST, the Conversation object type exports will reference and export conversations that were created (createdAt) between 12:00:00AM EST June 1, 2019 and 11:59:59PM EST June 10, 2019.

Select your data attributes

You can export data from one of the following objects:

After choosing the object type, select Add Attributes to see a list of properties you can choose to export related to that specific item. In the example below, selecting Conversation from the Object Type drop-down menu lists all of the available conversation attributes. You can export up to 25 attributes. 

The names in the list are the API names given to the conversation attributes. Where possible, we've also included the Display Name (the label of this field in the UI) as well as Sample Data (an example of how exported data for this attribute should appear) to make it easier for you to pick the correct attribute. For more information about the different attributes available for each item, see our API documentation.

Once you select the attributes you want to export, select Save.

Order your data and execute your export

After selecting the attributes you want to export, you'll see them listed on the Create Data Export page. These values will be your column headers; you can re-order them by dragging and dropping them to your desired location.

Now that your export is fully configured, you can either Save & Export (run now) or Save as Draft (store all of your attributes to run at a later date). 

Once you choose to Save & Export you’ll have to briefly wait for the data to be compiled and emailed to you. This time will depend on how much data you have, so if you have a large support organization, try exporting a single day of data to understand processing times better. 

Manage your exports

The Manage Data Exports section of the page allows you to manage both your scheduled and one-time exports.

Here, you can view exports that are actively running, in a draft state, paused, or completed. The Drafts tab lists any exports you previously configured yet never run and is where you can execute them. You can also select the menu icon for each export to view additional actions you can take. These actions will differ based on the export's current status. The available actions are:

Current statusAvailable action

Scheduled ExportsOne-time Exports
Active/RunningEdit, Duplicate, Pause, Deleten/a
DraftsEdit, Duplicate, Reactivate, DeleteEdit, Duplicate, Run Now, Delete
Paused/CompleteDuplicate, DeleteDuplicate