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Data export of Customer standard attributes

Last Update: Oct 2024 • Est. Read Time: 4 MIN
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The reference table below lists the display names, system names, data type, and descriptions for the Customer standard Klass attributes available in the Kustomer platform. Specifically the attributes available for use in Data Exports.

This table shows the available standard attributes for the Customer object when running a scheduled or one time data export.

Display nameSystem nameData typeDescription
IDidStringID associated with this customer.
NamenameStringName associated with this customer.
Display NamedisplayNameStringDisplay name associated with this customer.
Display ColordisplayColorStringSystem-generated color given to a customer whose name has not been added by a user or inferred from conversation data.
Display IcondisplayIconStringSystem-generated name given to a customer whose name has not been added by a user or inferred from conversation data.
External IDexternalIDStringID of this customer in an external application, if applicable.
External IDsexternalIdsStringArray of ID's of this customer in an external application, if applicable.
First NamefirstNameStringFirst name of a customer.
Last NamelastNameStringLast name of a customer.
Shared External IDssharedExternalIdsStringID of this customer in an external application, if applicable, that is shared with another customer.
Signed Up AtsignedUpAtDateDate and time this customer signed up at.
Avatar URLavatarUrlStringURL for the avatar image of this customer.
UsernameusernameStringExternal username this customer uses for an organization.
Emailsemails.emailStringEmail address(es) of a customer.
Shared EmailssharedEmails.emailStringEmail address(es) of this customer that is shared with another customer.
Phonesphones.phoneNumberPhone number(s) of a customer.
Shared PhonessharedPhones.phoneNumberPhone number(s) of this customer that is shared with another customer.
Facebook IDs NamefacebookIds.nameStringFacebook handle of this customer.
Socialssocials.usernameStringSocial media handle of this customer.
Shared SocialssharedSocials.usernameStringSocial media handle of this customer that is shared with another customer.
Websitesurls.urlStringWebsite associated with a customer.
Locations Typelocations.typeStringType of the location for this customer. Can be 'home', 'work', or 'other'.
Locations Namelocations.nameStringName of the location for this customer.
Locations Addresslocations.addressStringPrimary full address information for this customer.
Locations Address 2locations.address2StringSecondary full address information for this customer.
Locations Address 3locations.address3StringTertiary full address information for this customer.
Locations Latitudelocations.latitudeNumberLatitude coordinate for this customer.
Locations Longitudelocations.longitudeNumberLongitude coordinate for this customer.
Locations Country Codelocations.countryCodeNumberCountry code for this customer.
Locations Country Namelocations.countryNameStringCountry name for this customer.
Locations Region Codelocations.regionCodeStringRegion code for this customer.
Locations Region Namelocations.regionNameStringRegion naMe for this customer.
Locations City Namelocations.cityNameStringThe city name of the primary address for this customer.
Locations Zip Codelocations.zipCodeNumberZip code of the primary address for this customer.
Locations Area Codelocations.areaCodeNumberArea code of the primary address for this customer.
Active Users EmailactiveUsers.emailStringEmail address of the active users for this customer. 
Watchers Emailwatchers.emailStringEmail address of the user that is following this customer. 
Recent Location TyperecentLocation.location.typeStringType for this customer's most recent location. Can be 'home', 'work', or 'other'.
Recent Location NamerecentLocation.location.nameStringName of this customer's most recent location.
Recent Location AddressrecentLocation.location.addressStringPrimary full address of this customer's most recent location.
Recent Location Address 2recentLocation.location.address2StringSecondary full address of this customer's most recent location. 
Recent Location Address 3recentLocation.location.address3StringTertiary full address of this customer's most recent location.
Recent Location LatituderecentLocation.location.latitudeNumberLatitude coordinate of this customer's most recent location.
Recent Location LongituderecentLocation.location.longitudeNumberLongitude coordinate of this customer's most recent location.
Recent Location Country CoderecentLocation.location.countryCodeNumberCountry code of this customer's most recent location.
Recent Location Country NamerecentLocation.location.countryNameStringCountry name of this customer's most recent location.
Recent Location Region CoderecentLocation.location.regionCodeStringThe region code of this customer's most recent location.
Recent Location Region NamerecentLocation.location.regionNameStringRegion name of this customer's most recent location.
Recent Location City NamerecentLocation.location.cityNameStringCity name of this customer's most recent location.
Recent Location Zip CoderecentLocation.location.zipCodeNumberZip code of this customer's most recent location.
Recent Location Area CoderecentLocation.location.areaCodeNumberArea code of the customer's most recent location.
Recent Location Updated AtrecentLocation.updatedAtDateDate/time this customer's recent location was last updated.
LocalelocaleStringLocation derived, default language associated with this customer.
Time ZonetimezoneStringTimezone associated with this customer.
BirthdaybirthdayAtDateBirthday associated with this customer.
GendergenderStringGender associated with this customer.
Created AtcreatedAtDateTDate/time this customer was created.
Created BycreatedByStringThe name of the user that created this customer.
Updated AtupdatedAtDateDate/time this customer's recent location was last updated.
Modified AtmodifiedAtDateDate/time this customer was last modified (changed by a user).
Last Seen AtlastSeenAtDate
Last Activity AtlastActivityAtDateDate/time this customer last had activity.
Last Customer ActivitylastCustomerActivityAtDate
DeleteddeletedBooleanBoolean value of whether a customer has been deleted.
Deleted At deletedAtDateDate/time when the customer was deleted.
Imported AtimportedAtDateDate/time when the customer was imported from another system.
Last Message In ChannellastMessageIn.channelStringChannel of the last inbound message on this customer.
Last Message In Sent AtlastMessageIn.sentAtDateDate/time of the last inbound message on this customer.
Companycompany.idStringCompany ID of the customer's company
Company Namecompany.nameStringName of the customer's company
Last Message In Sentiment PolaritylastMessageIn.sentiment.polarityNumberPolarity of the sentiment of the last inbound message (-1 for unhappy, negative, +1 for postive, happy).
Last Message In Sentiment ConfidencelastMessageIn.sentiment.confidenceNumberConfidence of the sentiment rating applied to the last inbound message (0 for unsure, 100 for positive).
Last Message Out Sent AtlastMessageOut.sentAtDateDate/time of the last outbound message on this customer.
Last Message Unresponded To Sent AtlastMessageUnrespondedTo.sentAtDateDate/time of the last inbound message on this customer that is still awaiting a response.
Last Message Unresponded To ChannellastMessageUnrespondedTo.channelStringChannel of the last inbound message on this customer that is still awaiting a response.
Last Message AtlastMessageAtDateDate/time of the last message on this customer.
Last Conversation IDlastConversation.idStringID of the last conversation associated with this customer.
Last Conversation ChannelslastConversation.channelsStringChannel of the last conversation with this customer.
Last Conversation Tags NamelastConversation.tags.nameStringTag(s) associated with the last conversation with this customer.
Last Conversation Sentiment PolaritylastConversation.sentiment.polarityNumberPolarity of the sentiment of the last entire conversation (-1 for unhappy, negative, +1 for positive, happy).
Last Conversation Sentiment ConfidencelastConversation.sentiment.confidenceNumberConfidence of the sentiment rating applied to the last conversation with this customer (0 for unsure, 100 for positive).
Conversation Counts AllconversationCounts.allNumberTotal count of all conversations for this customer.
Conversation Counts DoneconversationCounts.doneNumberTotal count of all conversations in the "done" status for this customer.
Conversation Counts OpenconversationCounts.openNumberTotal count of all conversations in the "open" status for this customer.
Conversation Counts SnoozedconversationCounts.snoozedNumberTotal count of all conversations in the "snoozed" status for this customer.
Preview IDpreview.idString
Preview Channelpreview.channelString
Preview Subjectpreview.subjectString
Preview Textpreview.textString
Preview Typepreview.typeString
Tags Nametags.nameStringTag(s) associated with the last conversation with this customer.
Sentiment Polaritysentiment.polarityNumberPolarity of the sentiment of the last inbound message (-1 for unhappy, negative, +1 for positive, happy).
Sentiment Confidencesentiment.confidenceNumberConfidence of the sentiment rating applied to the last inbound message (0 for unsure, 100 for positive).
Progressive StatusprogressiveStatusString
VerifiedverifiedBooleanHas this customer been verified.
RevrevNumberNumber of updates made to this customer.
Whatsapp Phonewhatsapps.phoneStringWhatsapp number associated with this customer.