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Data export of Conversation standard attributes

Last Update: Oct 2024 • Est. Read Time: 8 MIN
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The reference table below lists the display names, system names, data type, and descriptions for the Conversation standard Klass attributes available in the Kustomer platform. Specifically the attributes available for use in Data Exports.

Note: You can also pull in Customer standard attributes on the Conversation data export.

This table shows the available standard attributes for the Conversation object when running a scheduled or one time data export.

Display nameSystem nameData typeDescription
IDidStringID associated with this conversation.
SubjectsubjectStringConversation subject.
External IDexternalIdStringIf a conversation was imported or linked to a conversation in an external system, this is the ID of that item in that system.
NamenameStringConversation name.
PreviewpreviewStringPreview of the body content for the first message of this conversation.
Queue Namequeue.nameStringQueue to which this conversation is assigned.
ChannelschannelsArrayChannel of the last conversation of this customer.
StatusstatusStringCurrent status of this conversation - can be "open', "snoozed", or "done".
Snooze Timesnooze.timeDateTime the snooze will elapse.
Snooze Statussnooze.statusStringStatus of the snooze - can be "scheduled", "elapsed", or "canceled" 
Snooze Status Atsnooze.statusAtDateDate/time the snooze status was applied to this conversation.
Message CountmessageCountNumberNumber of messages contained in this conversation.
Note CountnoteCountNumberNumber of notes contained in this conversation.
SatisfactionsatisfactionNumberSatisfaction score for this survey.
Satisfaction ScoresatisfactionLevel.scoreNumberNormalized, binary negative/positive (0/1) score for this survey.
Satisfaction RatingsatisfactionLevel.ratingNumberNormalized 1-5 rating for this survey.
Satisfaction ChannelsatisfactionLevel.channelStringChannel from which the Satisfaction survey was triggered.
Satisfaction Created AtsatisfactionLevel.createdAtDateDate-time when the conversation met the criteria to schedule a Satisfaction survey.
Satisfaction Updated AtsatisfactionLevel.updatedAtDateDate-time this Satisfaction survey was last updated.
Satisfaction Sent BysatisfactionLevel.sentByStringID of the user assigned to the conversation when it met the criteria to schedule a Satisfaction survey.
Satisfaction Sent By NamesatisfactionLevel.sentBy.nameStringName of the user assigned to the conversation when it met the criteria to schedule a Satisfaction survey.
Satisfaction Sent By TeamsatisfactionLevel.sentByTeamsStringID(s) of the teams of the user assigned to the conversation when it met the criteria to schedule a Satisfaction survey.
Satisfaction Sent By Team NamesatisfactionLevel.sentByTeams.nameStringName(s) of the teams of the user assigned to the conversation when it met the criteria to schedule a Satisfaction survey.
Satisfaction FormsatisfactionLevel.formStringID of template used in this Satisfaction survey.
Satisfaction Form NamesatisfactionLevel.form.nameStringName of template used in this Satisfaction survey.
Satisfaction Scheduled ForsatisfactionLevel.scheduledForDateDate-time when this Satisfaction survey is scheduled to be sent to the customer.
Satisfaction First AnswersatisfactionLevel.firstAnswerStringCustomer response to the follow-up question on this Satisfaction survey.
Satisfaction AnswersatisfactionLevel.answers.answerRawStringRaw text of the answer supplied in your follow-up Satisfaction questions when the question type is "Free text" or "Check all that apply"
Satisfaction SelectionssatisfactionLevel.answers.selectionsRawStringRaw text of the answer supplied in your follow-up Satisfaction questions when the question type is "Multiple choice"
Satisfaction StatussatisfactionLevel.statusStringCurrent status of this Satisfaction survey.
Satisfaction Form ResponsesatisfactionLevel.formResponseStringID of the response to the satisfaction form
Satisfactions Answers SelectionssatisfactionLevel.answers.selectionsStringSelections of the answers in the response to the satisfaction form.
Satisfaction Answers AnswersatisfactionLevel.answers.answerStringAnswers in the response to the satisfaction form
Created AtcreatedAtDateDate/time at which this customer was added to your Kustomer instance.
Created BycreatedByStringID of the user that created the customer associated with this conversation.
Updated AtupdatedAtDateDate/time the customer associated with this conversation's recent location was last updated.
Modified AtmodifiedAtDateDate/time the customer associated with this conversation was last modified (changed by a user).
Last Activity AtlastActivityAtDateDate/time the conversation last had activity.
DeleteddeletedBooleanBoolean value of whether or not the customer associated with this conversation has been deleted.
Deleted AtdeletedAtDateDate/time when the customer associated with this conversation was deleted.
Imported AtimportedAtDateDate/time when the customer associated with this conversation was imported from an external system.
Tagstags.nameStringTag(s) applied to the last conversation of this customer.
Sentiment Polaritysentiment.polarityNumberPolarity of the sentiment for the last inbound message for the customer associated with this conversation (-1 for unhappy, negative, +1 for postive, happy).
Sentiment Confidencesentiment.confidenceNumberConfidence of the sentiment rating applied to the last inbound message of the customer associated with this conversation (0 for unsure, 100 for positive).
SLA Namesla.nameStringName of the service level aggreement matched to the conversation.
SLA First Response Satisfied Atsla.metrics.firstResponse.satisfiedAtDateDate/time the service level agreement for first response was satisfied at.
SLA First Response Breach Atsla.metrics.firstResponse.breachAtDateDate/time the service level agreement for first response was breached at.
SLA Longest Unresponded Message Satisfied Atsla.metrics.longestUnrespondedMessage.satisfiedAtDateDate/time the service level agreement for longest unresponded message was satisfied at.
SLA Longest Unresponded Message Breach Atsla.metrics.longestUnrespondedMessage.breachAtDateDate/time the service level agreement for longest unresponded message was breached at.
SLA Total Conversation Open Time Satisfied Atsla.metrics.totalConversationOpenTime.satisfiedAtDateDate/time the service level agreement for total conversation open time was satisfied at.
SLA Total Conversation Open Time Breach Atsla.metrics.totalConversationOpenTime.breachAtDateDate/time the service level agreement for total conversation open time was breached at.
SLA Total Customer Wait Time Satisfied Atsla.metrics.totalCustomerWaitTime.satisfiedAtDateDate/time the service level agreement for total customer wait time was satisfied at. 
SLA Total Customer Wait Time Breach Atsla.metrics.totalCustomerWaitTime.breachAtDateDate/time the service level agreement for total customer wait time was breached at.
SLA Total Customer Wait Time Remaining Timesla.metrics.totalCustomerWaitTime.remainingTimeNumberRemaining time in SLA Total Customer Wait Time policy in milliseconds. If a user replies and leaves the conversation "Open" or "Snoozed", when the conversation reopens we'll use this value to create a new totalCustomerWaitTime.breachAt entry.
SLA Breachedsla.breachedBooleanWas the service level agreement breached or not?
SLA Statussla.statusStringCurrent status of the service level agreement.
SLA First Breach Atsla.summary.firstBreachAtDateDate/time the service level agreement first breached at. 
SLA Satisfied Atsla.summary.satisfiedAtDateDate/time the service level agreement was satisfied at.
SLA Matched Atsla.matchedAtDateTDate/time the service level agreement was matched at.
First Message In IDfirstMessageIn.idStringID of the first inbound message on this conversation.
First Message In of the first inbound message sent to this conversation.
First Message In Sent AtfirstMessageIn.sentAtDateDate/time of the first inbound message on this conversation.
First Message In Created AtfirstMessageIn.createdAtDateDate/time the first inbound message on this conversation was created.
First Message In ChannelfirstMessageIn.channelStringChannel of the first inbound message on this conversation.
First Message In Direction TypefirstMessageIn.directionTypeStringFirst inbound message direction "type".
Last Message In IDlastMessageIn.idStringID of the last inbound message on this conversation.
Last Message In Sent AtlastMessageIn.sentAtDateDate/time of the last inbound message on this customer associated with this conversation.
Last Message Out IDlastMessageOut.idStringID of the last outbound message on this conversation.
Last Message Out Sent AtlastMessageOut.sentAtDateDate/time of the last outbound message on this customer associated with this conversation.
Last Message At IDlastMessageAt.idStringID of the last message, inbound or outbound, on this conversation.
Last Message At Sent AtlastMessageAt.sentAtDateDate/time of the last message, inbound or outbound, on this conversation.
Last Message Unresponded To IDlastMessageUnrespondedTo.idStringID of the earliest inbound message on this conversation that has not been followed with an outbound message response.
Last Message Unresponded To Sent AtlastMessageUnrespondedTo.sentAtDateDate/time of the last inbound message on this conversation that is still awaiting a response.
Assigned User assignedUsers.nameStringName of the user currently assigned to this conversation.
Assigned TeamassignedTeams.nameStringName of the team(s) currently assigned to this conversation.
First Response IDfirstResponse.idStringID of the message that was the first response for this conversation.
First Response TimefirstResponse.timeNumberTime in milliseconds from when the conversation was created to when the conversation was first responded to - including the time outside of business hours. See "business hours" for more information.
First Response Business TimefirstResponse.businessTimeNumberTime in milliseconds from when the conversation was created to when the conversation was first responded to - excluding the time outside of business hours. See "business hours" for more information.
First Response Created AtfirstResponse.createdAtDateDate/time the first response to this conversation was created.
First Response Created ByfirstResponse.createdBy.nameStringName of the user that first responded to this conversation.
First Response Created By TeamsfirstResponse.createdByTeamsStringName of the user that first responded to this conversation.
First Response Assigned Teams NamefirstResponse.assignedTeams.nameStringAssigned team names of the user assigned to the conversation's first outbound message.
First Response Assigned User's NamefirstResponse.assignedUsers.nameStringAssigned user of the conversation at the time of sending the first outbound message.
First Response Sent AtfirstResponse.sentAtDateDate/time of this conversation's first outbound response.
First Response TimefirstResponse.responseTimeNumberTime milliseconds between the first inbound message from a customer and the first outbound message from a user.
Last Response IDlastResponse.idStringID of the message that was the last response for this converastion.
Last Response TimelastResponse.timeNumberTime milliseconds between the last inbound message from teh customer and the last outbound message from a user.
Last Response Business TimelastResponse.businessTimeStringTime milliseconds between the last outbound message and the earliest, unresponded to inbound message from a customer - including the time outside of business hours.
Last Response Created AtlastResponse.createdAtDateDate/time the last response to this conversation was created.
Last Response Created By NamelastResponse.createdBy.nameStringName of the user that last responded to this conversation.
Last Response Created By TeamlastResponse.createdByTeamsStringID(s) of the assigned team(s) of the user who last responded to this conversation.
Last Response Created By Team NamelastResponse.createdByTeams.nameStringAssigned team names of the user assigned to the conversation's last outbound message.
Last Response Assigned TeamlastResponse.assignedTeams.nameStringAssigned team names of the user assigned to the conversation's last outbound message.
Last Response Assigned UserlastResponse.assignedUsers.nameStringAssigned user of the conversation at the time of sending the last outbound message.
First Done TimefirstDone.timeNumberime in milliseconds from when the conversation was created to when the conversation was first marked done - including the time outside of business hours.
First Done Business TimefirstDone.businessTimeNumberTime in milliseconds from when the conversation was created to when the conversation was first marked done - excluding the time outside of business hours.
First Done Created AtfirstDone.createdAtDateThe date/time this conversation was first marked done.
First Done Created By NamefirstDone.createdBy.nameStringName of the user that first marked this conversation done.
First Done Created By Team firstDone.createdByTeamsStringID(s) of the assigned team(s) of the user who first marked this conversation done.
First Done Assigned Team firstDone.assignedTeams.nameStringAssigned team names of the user assigned to the conversation at the moment it was first marked done.
First Done Assigned User firstDone.assignedUsers.nameStringAssigned user of the conversation at the moment it was first marked done.
First Done Note CountfirstDone.noteCountNumberNumber of notes in the conversation at the moment it was first marked done.
First Done Message CountfirstDone.messageCountNumberNumber of messages in the conversation at the moment it was first marked done.
First Done Message Count ChannelfirstDone.messageCountByChannelArrayNumber of messages in the conversation segmented by channel at the moment it was first marked done.
First Done Outbound Message CountfirstDone.outboundMessageCountNumberNumber of outbound messages in the conversation at the moment it was first marked done.
First Done Outbound Message Count by ChannelfirstDone.outboundMessageCountByChannelArrayNumber of outbound messages in the conversation segmented by channel at the moment it was first marked done.
First Done Last Message DirectionfirstDone.lastMessageDirectionStringLast message direction at the time the conversation was first marked done (can either be "in" or "out").
First Done Last Message Direction TypefirstDone.lastMessageDirectionTypeStringLast message direction at the time the conversation was first marked done (can either be "in" or "out").
Last Done TimelastDone.timeNumberTime in milliseconds from when the conversation was created to when the conversation was last marked done - including the time outside of business hours. See "business hours" for more information.
Last Done Business TimelastDone.businessTimeNumberTime in milliseconds from when the conversation was created to when the conversation was last marked done - excluding the time outside of business hours. See "business hours" for more information.
Last Done Created AtlastDone.createdAtDateDate/time this conversation was last marked done.
Last Done Created BylastDone.createdBy.nameStringName of the user that last marked this conversation done.
Last Done Created By TeamslastDone.createdByTeamsStringID(s) of the assigned team(s) of the user who last marked this conversation done.
Last Done Assigned TeamslastDone.assignedTeams.nameStringAssigned team names of the user assigned to the conversation at the moment it was last marked done.
Last Done Assigned UserlastDone.assignedUsers.nameStringAssigned user of the conversation at the moment it was last marked done.
Last Done Note CountlastDone.noteCountNumberNumber of notes in the conversation at the moment it was last marked done.
Last Done Message CountlastDone.messageCountNumberNumber of messages in the conversation at the moment it was marked done.
Last Done Message Count By ChannellastDone.messageCountByChannelArrayNumber of messages in the conversation segmented by channel at the moment it was marked done.
Last Done Outbound Message CountlastDone.messageCountByChannelNumberNumber of outbound messages in the conversation at the moment it was marked done.
Last Done Outbound Message Count By ChannellastDone.messageCountByChannelArrayNumber of outbound messages in the conversation segmented by channel at the moment it was marked done.
Last Done Last Message DirectionlastDone.lastMessageDirectionStringLast message direction at the time the conversation was marked done (can either be "in" or "out").
Last Done Last Message Direction TypelastDone.lastMessageDirectionTypeStringLast message direction "type" at the time the conversation was marked done.
Done CountdoneCountNumberNumber of times the conversation has been marked "done".
Snooze CountsnoozeCountNumberNumber of times the conversation has been marked "snoozed".
Reopen CountreopenCountNumberNumber of times the conversation has been marked "open" after being marked "done" or "snoozed".
DirectiondirectionStringConversation's direction - can be either "in" or "out".
Last Message DirectionlastMessageDirectionStringLast message direction at the time the conversation was first marked done (can either be "in" or "out").
Outbound Message CountoutboundMessageCountNumberNumber of outbound messages in the conversation at the moment it was first marked done.
RevrevNumberNumber of updates made to this conversation.
PrioritypriorityNumberPriority value assigned to the conversation - see conversation priority for more information.
Merged mergedTargetBooleanWas the conversation merged with another conversation.
Brand Idbrand.idStringID associated with the brand.
Brand Namebrand.nameStringName of the brand associated with the conversation.