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Data export of Message standard attributes
Last Update: Oct 2024 • Est. Read Time: 2 MINTo check plan availability, see the pricing page.
The reference table below lists the display names, system names, data type, and descriptions for the Message standard Klass attributes available in the Kustomer platform. Specifically the attributes available for use in Data Exports.
This table shows the available standard attributes for the Message object when running a scheduled or one time data export.
Display name | System name | Data type | Description |
ID | id | String | ID associated with this message the Kustomer application. |
External ID | | String | Third party application ID for this message if applicable. |
Channel | channel | String | Channel of this message. |
App | app | String | Application origin of this message (chat, Gmail, form). |
Size | size | Number | Number of characters in this message. |
Direction | direction | String | Message direction (can either be "in" or "out"). |
Direction Type | directionType | String | Specific message direction "type". |
Location Type | location.type | String | Type of the location for this message. |
Location Name | | String | Name of the location for this message. |
Location Address | location.address | String | Primary full address information for this message. |
Location Address 2 | location.address2 | String | Secondary full address information for this message. |
Location Address 3 | location.address3 | String | Tertiary full address information for this message. |
Location Latitude | location.latitude | Number | Latitude coordinate for this message. |
Location Longitude | location.longitude | Number | Longitude coordinate for this message. |
Location Country Code | location.countryCode | Number | Country code for this message. |
Location Country Name | location.countryName | String | Country name for this message. |
Location Region Code | location.regionCode | Number | Region code for this message. |
Location Region Name | location.regionName | String | Region name for this message. |
Location City Name | location.cityName | String | City name of the primary address for this message. |
Location Zip Code | location.zipCode | Number | Zip code of the primary address for this message. |
Location Area Code | location.areaCode | Number | Area code of the primary address for this message. |
Preview | preview | String | Preview of the body content for this message. |
Subject | subject | String | Subject line, or initial body content of this message. |
Sentiment Polarity | sentiment.polarity | Number | Polarity of the sentiment for this message (-1 for unhappy, negative, +1 for positive, happy). |
Sentiment Confidence | sentiment.confidence | String | Confidence of the sentiment rating applied to this message (0 for unsure, 100 for positive). |
Meta | meta | String | Array of meta-data associated with this message. |
Status | status | String | Current status of this message. |
Response Time | responseTime | Number | Time in milliseconds from when this message was created to when this message was first responded to - including the time outside business hours. See "business hours" for more information. |
Response Business Time | responseBusinessTime | Number | Time in milliseconds from when this message was created to when this message was first responded to - excluding the time outside business hours. See "business hours" for more information. |
Assigned Teams Name | | String | Name of the team(s) assigned to the conversation this message is a part of. |
Assigned Users Name | | String | Name of the user(s) assigned to the conversation this message is a part of. |
Error | error | String | Array of error details associate with this message. |
Error At | errorAt | Date | Date/time this message experienced an error. |
Sent At | sentAt | Date | Date/time this message was sent. |
Created At | createdAt | Date | Date/time this message was created. |
Created By | createdBy | String | ID of the user that created this message. |
Updated At | updatedAt | Date | Date/time this message was last updated. |
Modified At | modifiedAt | Date | Date/time this message was last modified (changed by a user). |
Deleted | deleted | Boolean | Boolean value of whether this message has been deleted. |
Deleted At | deletedAt | Date | Date/time when the message was deleted. |
Imported At | importedAt | Date | Date/time when the message was imported from a third party application if applicable. |
Created By Teams | createdByTeams | String | ID(s) of the assigned team(s) of the user who created this message. |
Conversation ID | | String | Conversation ID associated with this message in the Kustomer application. |