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Data export of Conversation Views (Handle Time) standard attributes
Last Update: Oct 2024 • Est. Read Time: 2 MINTo check plan availability, see the pricing page.
The reference table below lists the display names, system names, data type, and descriptions for the Conversation View (Handle Time) standard Klass attributes available in the Kustomer platform. These are the attributes available for use in Data Exports.
This table shows the available standard attributes for the Conversation object when running a scheduled or one time data export, specifically when tracking handle time.
Display name | System name | Data type | Description |
Conversation ID | | String | ID associated with this conversation. |
Conversation Name | | String | Conversation name. |
Conversation Created At | conversation.createdAt | Date | Date/time this conversation view event was created. View events are created at the conclusion of a view session. |
Conversation Created By | conversation.createdBy | String | ID of the user that created the customer associated with this conversation. |
Conversation Updated At | conversation.updatedAt | Date | Date/time the customer associated with this conversation's recent location was last updated. |
Conversation Updated By | conversation.updatedBy | String | ID of the user that updated the customer associated with this conversation. |
Customer | customer | String | ID of the customer associated with this conversation. |
Customer Display name | customer.displayName | String | Name of the customer associated with this conversation. |
Created At | createdAt | Date | Date/time at which this conversation view event was created. |
Created By | createdBy | String | ID of the user who created this view session. |
Created By Name | | String | Name of the user who created this conversation view event. |
Created By Teams | createdByTeams | String | ID(s) of the assigned team(s) of the user who created this conversation view event. |
Created By Teams Name | | String | Name of the team that created this conversation view event. |
Assigned Users | assignedUsers | String | Name(s) of the user(s) assigned to this conversation view event. |
Assigned Users Name | | String | Name of the user currently assigned to this conversation. |
Assigned Teams | assignedTeams | String | ID('s) of the team(s) assigned to this conversation. |
Assigned Teams Name | | String | Name of the team(s) currently assigned to this conversation. |
Message At | messageAt | Date | Date/time the message was added to this conversation. |
Message Time | messageTime | Number | Total time in seconds the reply editor is open on this conversation. |
Handle At | handleAt | Date | Time the user began viewing this conversation. |
Handle Time | handleTime | Number | Combined time in seconds of all view events on this conversation. |
Channels | channels | Array | Channel or channels of communication for this conversation. If omni-channel, ordering should follow the order in which the channel was used. |