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Message options

Last Update: Feb 2023 Est. Read Time:
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Every message in a conversation has additional options that allow you to perform additional actions, such as moving a message, or copying its direct URL. You can access these options by hovering over the message itself. You can find them by clicking the three dots to the top right of the message, illustrated here:

You can also access these options by hovering over the message text itself. Your options will appear right above the message.

In this article

Move a message

If you discover that a message should be in a different conversation on the same customer's timeline, you can move it by selecting Move Message. You can either create a new conversation, or move it to another conversation.

Email message details

You can expand an individual email message to see details such as the sender's email address. To do so, select More Options, and select Show Message Details

To return the message to its original view, select More Options again and select Hide Message Details.

Link to individual messages

You may want to share an individual message with another member of your organization to get their feedback or loop them in to the conversation. You can do this by selecting More Options and then selecting Copy Link to Message.

Message redaction

Sometimes, sensitive customer information is accidentally shared in a conversation, such as a credit card number. You can permanently delete and hide this information using the Message Redaction option. 

To permanently redact sensitive information in a message:

  1. Select Message Redaction.
  2. Highlight the text you want to permanently hide.
  3. Select Redact. The highlighted text will be blocked out.
  4. Select Commit Redaction. The text will now be blocked out in the message.