Agent experience
Learn more about the tasks typically performed by agents.Categories
Personal workspace settings
Update your personal settings and access your individual performance metrics.
Work with conversations
Learn how to work with conversations in Kustomer.
Use search
Learn how to build search queries to help you organize everything from customers to companies.
Navigate timelines
The customer timeline is where you will spend most of your time interacting with customers.
Work with customers
Learn how to manage customer profiles.
System requirements
This article lists the requirements to ensure proper functionality of the Kustomer platform.In this articleAgent applicationBrowserOperating systemHardwareNetwork bandwidthAuthorized domainsChat SDKMobileWebAPI integrationsIncoming requests to KustomerOutgoing requests from KustomerAgent applicationFor an agent or administrator to use the web application at, their computer or browser must meet these requirements.Browser Kustomer supports the last 2 major versions of the following web browsers:DesktopGoogle Chrome (recommended)Mozilla FirefoxFirefox Extended Support Release (ESR) is also supportedSafariMicrosoft EdgeMobileGoogle Chrome on AndroidApple Safari on iOSOperating system No specific operating system is required.HardwareMemory (RAM): 4 GB or higherVideo Display Resolution: 1440x900 or higherNetwork bandwidthKustomer requires a stable wifi network connection, as events are received and sent in real-time. The recommended network bandwidth is at least 10Mbps download / 5Mbps upload.Authorized domainsThe application must be able to send and receive from the following*********************.statuspage.ioWhat should I do if Kustomer gives an error about an authorized domain?If the computer you run Kustomer on is issued and managed by your employer, speak to your IT department. They'll be in the best position to adjust the needed settings on any VPNs or other software they provide to authorize these domains.If the computer you run Kustomer on is a personal device, check the settings on any ad blockers or content filters you have running. You may need to add an exception for so that traffic is not blocked when using our web app.Chat SDKMobileKustomer supports the following Android and iOS operating systems:Android version 5.0 or higheriOS version 11.0 or higherWebBoth the core and widget Kustomer Chat web SDK support the following browsers:Google Chrome: the two most recent stable releasesApple Safari: the two most recent stable releasesMicrosoft Edge: the two most recent stable releasesMozilla Firefox: the two most recent stable releasesMicrosoft Internet Explorer (IE): Version 11Non-browser environments such as Electron or WebView are not supported.API IntegrationsIf you integrate with Kustomer’s APIs, either by calling our APIs, sending incoming webhooks, or receiving our calls from outgoing webhooks and workflow requests, these requirements apply.Incoming requests to KustomerHTTPS with TLS 1.2 or 1.3Valid TLS certificates signed by a universally recognized trust rootCBC Ciphers not supportedNetworking libraries and drivers must be up to dateOutgoing requests from KustomerRequests by Kustomer to your systems will always originate from one of these IP addresses: agent performance dashboard
As an agent, you may want to know how you are performing to improve your key metrics, such as the total number of conversations you have marked done and your first contact resolution rate. Your performance metrics are accessible from a dashboard, allowing you to view exactly how you are performing at any time.Who can access this feature?User typesAvailable to all agents and users with access to view the Personal Performance Dashboard in the Reporting permission set.In this articlePerformance metricsResponse Time tableMessages Sent chartResolution metricsSatisfaction Score chartNotifications paneTo access your performance dashboard, select Home .Performance metricsThe following metrics show an overview of the status of conversations assigned to you and your time viewing conversations.The following metrics are available:Open conversations is the count of all conversations assigned to you currently in an Open status.Snoozed Conversations is the count of all conversations assigned to you currently in a Snoozed status.Marked Done is the count of conversations you marked Done in the selected time range.Average Handle Time is the cumulative amount of time spent viewing conversations divided by the total count of distinct conversations viewed.Response Time tableThis table shows response times by channel.The following metrics are available:First Routed Response Time is the total time from when a work item was accepted to when the first reply by an agent was sent.Average Response Time is the average duration of time from when an inbound message was created to an outbound reply for that message.Messages Sent chartThis chart shows the number of outbound messages you sent in each time interval over the selected time range.Resolution metricsThese metrics show the duration of time between conversations being created and marked done, as well as conversations with SLA policies that have been breached or achieved.The following metrics are available:First Contact Resolution is the amount of inbound conversations created in the selected time period that contain at least one message, were marked done by you, are currently done, and have never been snoozed, reopened or merged over total inbound conversations assigned to you that were created in this time range.Average First Resolution is the average amount of time between the initial inbound message on a conversation and the first time you marked it Done.Breached Conversations is the the total count of unique conversations assigned to you that have breached the SLA requirements of their associated policy.SLA Achieved is the percentage of conversations assigned to you that satisfy the SLA requirements for all metrics on the policy.Satisfaction Score chartThis chart shows the average satisfaction score (out of a possible 100%) for all surveys triggered by your conversations. The maximum number of points is 5. For more information, see Satisfaction Report.Notifications paneYou can view all of your notifications at a glance from the dashboard.
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