Use search
Learn how to build search queries to help you organize everything from customers to companies.Articles
Search for Shopify orders
You can use Kustomer's global search to find Shopify orders within customer timelines. Keep in mind that data from Shopify will only update in Kustomer when there is an order create or update event in Shopify.You can search for the following Shopify properties:Billing statusCreated atCustomer tags Order created OrderIDOrder name Order status Order tagsOrder updatedPayment summaryProduct SKUsShipment statusShipping addressShipping cityShipping countryShipping stateShipping zip codeShop nameSpecial instructionsTotal priceTracking numberRelated articles:Integrate with ShopifyShopify timeline layoutShopify Insight CardCancel or refund order items in ShopifyShopify live chatCustom object searches
Searches aren't just for customers or conversations. You can create a search where the results are your custom objects (KObjects). Find the most expensive orders, or look through all of the negative CSAT Objects in the last week — this feature allows you to understand your business in a manner far more advanced than a traditional ticketing system.Who can access this feature?User typesAll users have access to create a search. Users with additional permissions can create searches using KObjects.How does a custom object search work?The same as any other search. Custom object searches can be shared with specific users/teams or left private. Their columns can be customized, as well as their sort order.Note: Searches do not return results for custom object data that was updated more than two years ago. To search for this data, please use global search.The key difference is that when you create a search, you can choose the "custom object" context:Once you choose a custom object context, you can build the search using both properties defined in the KObject's class. For example, if you're an iOT company with a device object, you can see how many devices have been registered in the last week.Search by URL
You have the ability to quickly search for certain information within Kustomer using direct URLs, reducing the amount of time you spend on running a search query. This can also be helpful for building integrations that link to a customer from external systems.In this articleSearch by Conversation IDSearch by Customer Email AddressSearch by Customer Phone NumberSearch by Customer External IDSearch by Conversation IDYou can search for a conversation without having to know specifics, such as a customer's ID or email address. To do so, go to: is the name of your Kustomer instance.conversationID is the unique identifier of the conversation.Search by Customer Email AddressYou can search for a customer by their unique email address. To do so, go to: is the name of your Kustomer instance.emailaddress is the email address of the customer you are searching for.Note: If you search for an email address that does not exist, you will be prompted to create a new customer and the email field will contain the new email address.Search by Customer Phone NumberYou can search for a customer by their unique phone number. To do so, go to: is the name of your Kustomer instance.phonenumber is the phone number of the customer you are searching for.Note: If you search for a phone number that does not exist, you will be prompted to create a new customer and the phone number field will contain the new phone number.Search by Customer External IDYou can search for a customer by their unique external ID. To do so, go to: is the name of your Kustomer instance.externalID is the unique external ID of the customer you are searching for.Create and edit searches
You can build customized searches to help you organize everything from customers to companies. In this example, we will be building a search query that will return all VIP customers who currently have an unhappy sentiment. Who can access this feature?User typesAdmins and users with Searches permissions can access these features.In this articleCreate a new searchEdit an existing searchCreate a new searchUse the Searches panel in the navigation bar to view existing searches or create a new one.Note: Searches do not return results for conversation, message, and custom object data updated more than two years ago. To search for this data, please use global search.To create a new search query:Open Searches and select + New.In the toolbar at the top, select an icon and name for your search.Decide what kind of search you'd like to build and select the appropriate option. Depending on how you would like to organize your support work, searches can be defined as segments of either Customers, Conversations, Messages, Companies, Custom Objects, or app-created objects. For example, you can create a search focused on specific customers that require action from your support team.Next, determine what the search criteria will be. The available options are:All of the following shows results that match every condition set.Any of the following shows results that match at least one of the conditions set.Enter the appropriate search criteria in the boxes provided. For this example, since we want to find customers who are both VIP status and unhappy, we'll set these conditions under All of the following.Tip: To add multiple sets of criteria, select + Add after each condition.Select Edit Default Sorts to specify the default order in which search results will be shown.Your search results will always be sorted by the Primary condition, unless the search returns two customers or conversations with the same value. In that circumstance, the Secondary sort condition will be used. In our example, let's say we set the Primary sort to be by Status, and the Secondary sort to be Oldest Inbound Unresponded Message. The search results will first try to sort all conversations by their current status (Open, Snoozed, Done). If, multiple conversations have an Open status, the sort will then use the Secondary condition to sort these conversations by which conversations have waited the longest for a response.Once you finish building your search, select Save. Your new search will appear in the Searches panel.For information on organizing your searches in folders, see this article.Edit an existing searchAny search you've created in the past can be changed and resaved.To edit an existing search:Go to Searchesand select the one you want to edit.Select Edit Search in the toolbar.When you're finished making changes, select Save. Results will update as changes to the query are made, but they will not be saved until you select Save.Related articles:Manage your searchesUse search to organize your workUse search to organize your work
The Search feature allows you to build queries using a form you fill in with your search criteria. You can choose to perform searches on Customers, Conversations, Companies, or custom objects (KObjects), allowing you to optimize your searches for your teams based on your organization's needs. All your saved searches are displayed in the Searches pane, where you can view your most recent searches, organize queries within folders, and find a saved search quickly.Who can access this feature?User typesManagers and admins have access to searches.In this articleThe Searches panelUse search foldersCustomize search resultsRefresh your search resultsAdditional search optionsThe Searches panelTo access the Searches panel, select Searches. By default, six search queries are already customized and ready to use.Note: For more information on customizing the display order of items in the Searches panel, see Manage your searches.The Recents sectionOnce you start viewing searches, the Recents section will show your five most recently viewed searches, allowing you to quickly navigate to the search queries that are most relevant to you. The last viewed search will always be at the top of the list.You can pin up to five of your most used searches in the Recents section to make them easily accessible. Pinned items count towards the five-search maximum displayed in your Recents section.To pin an item, hover over the search name and select the pin search icon.Pinned items will be shown at the top of the Recents section and can be identified by the pin icon next to the search name.Find a search queryUsing the search function at the bottom of the Searches panel lets you quickly find a saved query without the need to scroll through pages of results. To find a specific search query, select the magnifying glass icon and enter the query's name. Results that match your input will automatically show as you enter your term.Use search foldersSearch folders allow you to organize searches into broader categories, which makes navigating them more efficient. You can save any search that is visible to you inside a folder created by your administrator.Available folders are shown in the Saved section of the Searches panel. To add a search to a folder:Go to Searchesand select the search you want to add to a folder.Select Edit Search, go to Search Settings, and then go to the folder you want to save the search in from the Folder drop-down menu.Select Save Changes.To view folder contents, select the folder you want to view. The folder expands and shows all of the saved search queries within it. Customize search resultsYou can customize the information displayed in your search results by adding or removing columns from the default view. Adding or removing a column from this list will override those settings for the local user only.To change the columns:From the Searches panel, select the search you want to change.Select Change Columnsin the results pane.Select the columns you want to add or remove from the available list. By default, the columns shown are the ones defined in the global Search Settings. Refresh your search resultsAfter saving a search, you can manually refresh the results at any time by selecting the icon in the upper-left corner. This updates the list with the latest conversations that match your filters. Refreshes are limited to once every 10 seconds.Note: Automatic search updates are a deprecated feature and are no longer available to new customers as of March 2025. For customers using this feature, you can select the Resume live buttons icon to turn on automatic updates. Searches will continue to update as long as you do not clear your browser data (local storage) and continue using the same device where live updates are turned on. Live updates remain on while actively viewing a search, even if you:Log out and back into KustomerGo idleRefresh your pageHowever, if you log in to Kustomer from a different device, live search will be off. You'll need to manually resume it on that device.Additional search optionsOnce you save a search, a menu icon will appear, giving you additional options for the selected search.The available options are:Duplicate SearchMake a copy of the selected search query. You can rename the new search and choose whether or not to save it with the same users.ArchiveArchive the selected search. For more information, see this article.DeletePermanently deletes the selected search.Note: Open saved searches will automatically refresh every 6 seconds.Related articles:Create and edit searchesExport search resultsIndividual search settingsGlobal search in Kustomer
The global search feature lets you quickly find conversations, customer details, or settings pages from anywhere in the Kustomer app. The search results are based on user permissions, meaning users can only search for and view objects they can access. For instance, if a user is limited to company and customer data, conversation data will not appear in their search results.You can search for the following:ConversationsMessagesCustomersCompaniesCustom objects (KObjects)ReportsSaved searchesSystem and apps settings pagesTo use this feature, select Search from the navigation bar anywhere in the Kustomer app and enter your search query. You'll start to see results being returned as you type. Your search query is highlighted in the results so that you can find the information you're looking for faster.Note: You can also access the search by using your browser's Control + F or Command + F shortcut.Global search will display results with the longest common matching search term and a preview of up to 5 results per object type in the search box, which includes details such as, for instance, a conversation's status and the number of conversations that match the search for a specific customer.You can either select an individual result to open it on its respective timeline, or select View All to open the full list of that category's results in the Searches page.If searching for customer email addresses, for example:Typing johnsmith@ will show results for the longest matching search term 'johnsmith'Searching for johnsmiths@ will show results for the longest matching term 'johnsmiths'A search for m-roon@ includes a dash which is treated as a separator. Global Search will thus show results for m and roon and matches on either (or both) of these values. A search for l.24@ includes a dot which also serves as a separator and will show results for either l or 24If no matching results are found, a Create Customer button is displayed:If you perform a global search while viewing a customer's timeline, you can toggle between searching across all timelines, or the specific customer that you're viewing by selecting the option in the I want to search header. If you select a specific timeline, the search bar will change to indicate that.Export search results
You can export current search results as a .CSV file and email the download link to any address you choose. This allows you to access and share the most current results with members of your organization. The export is limited to 50k rows of information, and you can only run one export at a time.Notes: Searches do not return results for conversation, message, and custom object data updated over two years ago. To search for this data, please use global search.You cannot schedule a search export.Exporting searches is only available to certain plans. For more information, see our pricing page.To export search results:From the Searches panel, select the search you want to export.Select Export Search .Select the criteria you would like to export from the Export Properties box. By default, the default global columns for the selected search are automatically exported. You can change these values by removing them or adding them from the drop-down menu.Enter the email addresses where you would like to receive the download link.Select Run Export.An email will be sent to the address provided with a link to the CSV download.Related articlesUse search to organize your workCreate and edit searchesIndividual search settings
You can set individual settings for each search by selecting Search Settings while you edit your search.Settings tabThe following options are available:NameEdit the name of the search.The iconChange the icon that is displayed with the search in the Search list. Only this icon will show when the search list is collapsed.FolderSelect which search folder your query should be categorized in. For more information, see Manage your searches.Badge CountDisplay the number of results in your search.Note: The badge count will only update live for searches not in a folder and will be updated automatically every 60 seconds. For any search saved within a folder, the count will update once you navigate to the folder and expand its contents.Count Badge ColorAdd or change the badge color that displays the number of results in your search.Visibility tabThe visibility settings allow you to specify who can view a search. The following options are available:Global Visibility SettingDetermine whether a search is publicly shown in Search or is set to private.Search Only sets searches to only appear in the search list.Private allows you to share the search with select teams and users of your organization or keep it private for your own use.Team Visibility Override Change the visibility of your search for specific teams or grant teams access to a private search.User Visibility OverrideChange the visibility of your search for specific users or grant them access to a private search.In our example, our search is set to be only visible to the Support team.Columns tabYou can select which columns to display in the search results to provide the most relevant information at a glance. These settings will only apply to the current search.Related articlesUse search to organize your workCreate and edit searches
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