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Search by URL

Last Update: Oct 2024 Est. Read Time:
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You have the ability to quickly search for certain information within Kustomer using direct URLs, reducing the amount of time you spend on running a search query. This can also be helpful for building integrations that link to a customer from external systems.

In this article

Search by Conversation ID

You can search for a conversation without having to know specifics, such as a customer's ID or email address. To do so, go to:


  • orgname is the name of your Kustomer instance.
  • conversationID is the unique identifier of the conversation.

Search by Customer Email Address

You can search for a customer by their unique email address. To do so, go to:


  • orgname is the name of your Kustomer instance.
  • emailaddress is the email address of the customer you are searching for.

Note: If you search for an email address that does not exist, you will be prompted to create a new customer and the email field will contain the new email address.

Search by Customer Phone Number

You can search for a customer by their unique phone number. To do so, go to:


  • orgname is the name of your Kustomer instance.
  • phonenumber is the phone number of the customer you are searching for.

Note: If you search for a phone number that does not exist, you will be prompted to create a new customer and the phone number field will contain the new phone number.

Search by Customer External ID

You can search for a customer by their unique external ID. To do so, go to:


  • orgname is the name of your Kustomer instance.
  • externalID is the unique external ID of the customer you are searching for.