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Show agent availability with user statuses
User statuses allow agents to let their teams know they are available. If routing is configured, statuses also determine whether or not an agent can be routed a conversation in their queue. Conversations can only be routed to agents currently set to available, ensuring a quicker response time and better support experience for your customers. User statuses also help organizations understand their capacity and the resources required to service customers on a day-to-day basis.Who can access this feature?User typesAdmins can access the Routing page. Agents can change their status from their profile menu.In this articleHow user statuses workCreate a custom unavailable statusHow users update their statusUser statuses and Amazon ConnectHow user statuses workWhen an agent logs into Kustomer, they are offline. While offline, they can use Kustomer but won’t be routed conversations. When they change their status to Available, they start receiving conversations in their assigned queues. Conversations can only be routed to agents who are Available.Users can change their status to unavailable and pause the routing of conversations at any time. If they change their status to Offline while logged into Kustomer, they will no longer be routed conversations. If configured, their open assigned conversations will be unassigned and returned to the queue.There are four default user statuses available:Available means the user is available for routed work.Busy means the user is busy and will not be routed work.Unavailable means the user is unavailable for routed work.Offline means the user is offline and will not be routed work.Create a custom unavailable statusYou can create custom unavailable statuses that are unique to your organization.To create a custom unavailable status: Go to Settings> Platform > Routing.Go to the Statuses tab and select Add status. Enter a name for the status. This is the name your users will see and will appear in the Team Pulse and Queue reports. You can add a description to help others managing Kustomer understand the expected usage.Select Create User Status. Custom statuses will appear at the bottom of the page.Use the toggle to turn a custom status on or off.How users update their statusUsers on a team with an activated routing profile can update their status and switch teams from directly within their profile menu. You can change your status anytime by selecting the status window here or from the status bar. Here, you can see all custom statuses, as well as an indicator that lets you know how long you have been in each status.User statuses and Amazon ConnectIf you integrate Amazon Connect into Kustomer and use it as your voice channel, you can sync user statuses so that users only need to make one update in Kustomer.This will require you to create statuses in both Amazon Connect, and Kustomer before they can be linked on the Settings page.For example, once statuses are linked, users who take a phone call will be placed in a Busy state, which means they are available but on a call. While in a Busy state they will not be routed any work from a Kustomer queue. For more information, see Sync Amazon Connect statuses to Kustomer.Related articlesUnderstand routingCreate and configure queuesTeam routing profilesCreate custom conversation tags
Custom tags are a way for you to quickly identify a conversation. Once tags are added to a conversation, you can create a search filter to group these conversations together for better organization.You can add up to 20 tags to a conversation by selecting Add Tag. Here, you can either choose from a list of existing tags, or create a new one by typing it in. Pressing the Tab key will create a new tag and apply it to the conversation.Note: The tag name can't exceed 64 characters.Once added, you can remove a tag by hovering over it and selecting X.Conversation tags cannot be deleted, but they can be deactivated. You can modify tags or turn them off and on in Settings > Workspace > Tags.You can no longer add or remove a deactivated tag from a conversation. A deactivated tag cannot be searched for directly, but it will still show up in reports and in broad searches (like Conversation > Tags > Is Set) if it was never removed from a conversation. This allows for historical data from conversations to be unaltered while sunsetting a tag that your organization no longer needs.Select Edit to change a tag's name or color. Updating a tag name will apply the new tag name to all conversations containing that tag. You can change a tag's color by selecting one predefined options shown in the Tag Color drop-down menu.You can also use automation like business rules to automatically tag conversations that match a given criteria. Learn more in Explore the business rules template gallery.Send bulk messages
You can communicate with and manage customers in bulk across multiple channels. With bulk messaging, you can send messages to multiple channels simultaneously while tailoring your message for each channel. You can perform any combination of the following bulk operations with a single click:Send a unique emailSend a unique SMSSend a unique chatCreate a unique noteFor example, you could send a bulk email message to your customers about shipping delays due to a storm and provide a note for users to read internal-only context about how to communicate with customers if they respond.Who can access this feature?User typesAvailable to all users. Custom user roles where bulk messaging is turned on.In this articleSelect customers for bulk messagingCompose your bulk messageSend a bulk message from a CSVSelect customers for bulk messagingTo send a bulk message to a group of customers:Go to Searches.Select the search query you want to use to select the customers, or create a new search query to segment the customers you want to message.Select the customers you want to message. If you want to select all of them, select the first checkbox in the column to select all the customers in that search.Tip: Selecting this checkbox will select customers across all pages.Select Bulk Messagein the toolbar.Select at least one channel you want to send a bulk message to. The available options are:EmailNote: Email bulk messaging is not supported if you use Gmail to send emails.SMSChatNoteCompose your bulk messageOnce you select the channel(s) to which you want to send a bulk message, you can start composing your message. If you plan on sending a bulk email message, we highly recommend looking at Postmark’s Bulk Messaging Best Practices article to ensure your messages reach your customers and prevent spam complaints. Too many spam complaints can cause your access to bulk messaging to be suspended, which is outside Kustomer's control.The following fields and options are available. Please note that your options may change based on the selected channel.Assigned User(s)Assign conversations to a specific user to ensure that they are routed to the correct user when a customer replies.Assigned Team(s) Assign the conversations to a specific user to ensure they are routed to the correct team when a customer replies.Conversation TagsAdd specific tag(s) to the conversation. This is helpful for search segmentation and reporting. For example, you can create a tag named "Order Replacement" and build a report on it.FromThe email address or phone number from which the message is sent. This field is not available for Notes.Note: You cannot send a bulk email if you are using Gmail to send emails.HTML TemplateSelect an email template to send. The template can either be the email design or the actual canned message. This option is only available for email.MessageThe area for you to compose your bulk message. You can format your message with basic formatting options using the text editor and personalize your messages using shortcuts and snippets. You can also attach images (.gif, .jpg, .png) and attachments to your bulk message if you are using Twilio (MMS) and Postmark (email). Individual files cannot exceed 5MB per file. The total attachment size cannot exceed 9.5MB total.QueueTransfer the conversations to another queue.Note: Transferring a conversation to a different queue will unassign it from its current user.ToHow many customers will receive your message.StatusChange the status of the conversation once it is created. This allows you to change a conversation status from Open to Closed and ensures that these messages don't appear in searches for users to work on.SubjectSubject line for your message.If you have the outbound chat feature turned on, you will see the following additional options when sending a bulk chat message:Message typeSelect between composing your custom chat message or using the conversational assistant. BrandSpecify which brand the message is coming from.AssistantSpecify which conversational assistant to use. This option is only available if the outbound chat feature is turned on.Starting dialogSpecify what dialog from the conversational assistant to bulk send to customers.Once you are done composing your messages, select ContinueNotes: You can not edit a bulk message once it is sent. Read receipts are not available on bulk messages.Confirm there are no further edits, and select Send to send your messages.Send a bulk message from a CSVIf you'd like to send out a bulk message to a list of users on a CSV, you can import your data with the CSV uploader. Go to Settings > Administration > Data Import.Select Add Import > CSV and select Next.Review the preparation tips and then proceed to step 2.Name the import and then select Import new data and update existing data.Select Customers from the drop-down menu and then Save and Continue.Upload the CSV file and then proceed with the import.The new import will open a newly created search. You can then send bulk messages to customers in that search.Forward conversations
Users in Kustomer can forward a conversation transcript from a customer timeline to an email address outside of the Kustomer platform. This will work across any channel, and provide a transcript of all the messages, and timestamps. Forwarded conversations will not include private notes.In this articleForward conversation transcriptsView forwarding logsForward conversation transcriptsGo to Conversation Optionsand select Forward Conversation.Select a From email address from the drop-down menu. This will be the email address that any replies will go to.Note: Replies sent to a forwarded conversation will go back into Kustomer as a new conversation and not thread into the original.Enter the email address that is being sent the transcript. You can enter multiple email addresses by separating them with a comma. For example:,, the template to use for the transcript from the Template drop-down menu. For more information, see Customize Email Templates.Enter an introductory message. This is the email message that appears above the threaded conversation transcript.Optionally, select any attachments found in the conversation that you want to forward. Only attachments that are sent between the agent and customer can be forwarded. Attachments found in Notes aren't included in the list. The total limit is 9.5MB.Select Forward.By default, conversations are shown in the transcript in reverse chronological order (most recent first). You can reverse this order by editing the Email Forwarding Template and changing the default {{#each messages}} to {{#each (reverse messages)}}.View forwarding logsSince forwarding a conversation out of Kustomer does not create a new customer or conversation you'll want to know if a conversation was forwarded. In a conversation where a user has forwarded a transcript out there will be an event. The event will let you know the there was a forward, and who initiated it. The email addresses the conversation transcript was sent to is also exposed. If a message was added to the forward, users can hover over the event to see the text.Manage spam filters
We know most of our customers deal with spam conversations that can make it difficult to organize customer queries and reply in a timely manner. With our spam feature, you can mark these conversations as spam and keep them out of your inboxes and queues so your agents can focus on customers who actually need your help.Who can access this feature?User typesAdmins can set up spam filters.In this articleCreating spam filtersAllow or block entire domainsCreating spam filtersIf you are using Kustomer's default client to send and receive emails, you can create spam filters to help eliminate spam. You can also create a filter that will allow emails from specific addresses to always arrive in your agent's inboxes.To block an email address:Go to Settings > Administration > Spam Filters.Enter the email address you want to block in the field provided.Select Add to Block List.Repeat these steps to continue adding addresses.The email addresses on your block list are listed, along with the date they were added.To delete an email address from the block list, select Deletefor that address. Deleting an email that was previously blocked will allow emails from that address to arrive in your inbox.Note: You can also automatically add a sender's email address to the block list by marking an email conversation as spam. Unmarking a conversation as spam will automatically remove the address from this list. You can also manually remove an address from this list to start receiving emails from this sender again.To allow an email address:From the Spam Filters page, select the Allow List tab.Enter the email address you want to allow in the field provided.Select Add to Allow List.Repeat these steps to continue adding addresses.All incoming emails from the addresses listed will arrive in your inbox, regardless of the content in the email.Allow or block entire domainsYou can use wildcard characters to either block or allow emails from certain domains. Wildcards are special characters that you can use in English-language search queries to represent unknown characters. This is useful when you want to create rules that search and match on a broader scale, like finding all email addresses from an entire domain name.For example, you may want to always receive emails that come from and prevent them from being marked as spam. You can do this by adding * to the allow list.Similarly, you may want to block all emails from and can do so by adding * to the block list.Note: If you use wildcards to block or allow emails from an entire domain, and then add an individual email address from that domain to the opposite list, priority will be given to the individual email address.For example, let's say you added * to your block list and then add to your allow list. You will receive all emails from Jim, and any other emails that come from will continue to be blocked.Create custom sub statuses
You can create custom sub statuses that let you add more specific details to your standard conversation statuses. For example, instead of only snoozing the conversation, you can use a sub status to specify that you are waiting for the customer to reply to you with additional information. Who can access this feature?User typesAdmins can create new sub statuses.In this articleCustom sub status limitsCreate a custom sub statusManage sub statusesApply a sub statusCustom sub status limitsYou can create up to 50 custom sub statuses for any of your three main status options of Open, Done, or Snoozed.Create a custom sub statusGo to Settings > Workspace > Conversation Status.Select Add Sub Status.Select the main status from the Sub Status of drop-down menu. For this example, select Snoozed.Enter a name for the custom sub status. In this example, we will create a sub status for Snooze that indicates that an agent is waiting for the engineering team to reply before they can reply to the customer.Optionally, enter a description and select Create.Select the main status tab to view all your custom sub statuses, in this case, the Snooze tab.Manage sub statusesYou can manage your sub statuses once they are created in one of several ways:Deactivate and reactivate sub statuses within your platform by turning its toggle on and off. Deactivating a sub status will prevent an agent from using them when they change a conversation’s status, however they can be brought back to use at a later time when reactivated. Edit the name and description of a sub status at any time. If you change the name of a sub status, it will change on all conversations currently associated with that sub status.Delete a sub status from your platform. Once deleted, a sub status cannot be reactivate within the Kustomer app. Deleting a sub status will not remove that sub status on associated conversations, but will prevent it from being associated with additional conversations moving forward.Apply a sub statusIf a conversation's status is Open or Done, you can add a sub status by selecting the conversation and then selecting the desired sub status from the Sub Status drop-down menu in the Conversation Detail view.To change the sub status of a snoozed conversation, select Snooze Conversationand then select the sub status from the drop-down menu.Next, select how long you will be snoozing a conversation. If your conversation is currently snoozed, you can also change the sub status by selecting it from the Conversation Details pane or Snooze Conversationand selecting a different sub status from the menu.Message options
Every message in a conversation has additional options that allow you to perform additional actions, such as moving a message, or copying its direct URL. You can access these options by hovering over the message itself. You can find them by clicking the three dots to the top right of the message, illustrated here:You can also access these options by hovering over the message text itself. Your options will appear right above the message.In this articleMove a messageEmail message detailsLink to individual messagesMessage redactionMove a messageIf you discover that a message should be in a different conversation on the same customer's timeline, you can move it by selecting Move Message. You can either create a new conversation, or move it to another conversation.Email message detailsYou can expand an individual email message to see details such as the sender's email address. To do so, select More Options, and select Show Message Details. To return the message to its original view, select More Options again and select Hide Message Details.Link to individual messagesYou may want to share an individual message with another member of your organization to get their feedback or loop them in to the conversation. You can do this by selecting More Options and then selecting Copy Link to Message.Message redactionSometimes, sensitive customer information is accidentally shared in a conversation, such as a credit card number. You can permanently delete and hide this information using the Message Redaction option. To permanently redact sensitive information in a message:Select Message Redaction.Highlight the text you want to permanently hide.Select Redact. The highlighted text will be blocked out.Select Commit Redaction. The text will now be blocked out in the message.Conversation Details view
When you select a conversation, the right panel in the Kustomer interface will change to a Conversation Details view. Here, you can quickly view more information for the conversation, such as who it is currently assigned to and its status.You can change the following fields from the details pane:Priority: Select this option to prioritize the importance of the conversation from Highest to Lowest.Assigned Team or Assigned User: Select either of these options to change who is currently assigned to the conversation. You can reassign a conversation from the menu that opens, or transfer it to a different queue.You can also assign yourself from directly within the conversation by selecting Assign to me in the conversation header. To assign it to another user or team, or a different queue, select the icon.Conversation Name: Change the name of the conversation to make it easier for you to get a view of the message context. To do so, make your changes in the Conversation Name box and press the Enter key to save the change.You can also change it by selecting Edit and making your edits directly in the Conversation Attributes window.Sub Status: You can change the sub status for any conversation to help provide more context to the current progress of the selected conversation. To change a conversation's sub status, select one from the Sub status drop down menu.For more information on how to customize how attributes are rendered underneath the the Conversation Details view in the Insights Panel, see Customize Insight Cards.Use notes in conversations
Notes are internal communications visible only to users in an organization. You can use notes to collaborate with other organization members and share updates about a support request. You can also assign notes to another member of your organization.In this articleAdd a new noteMention a user or team in a noteAdd a new noteYou can add a note to a customer's timeline by clicking the Add icon and selecting Post New Note. To add a note directly in a conversation, select Note from the reply editor. Here, you can write and format the note to your liking. For more information on the options available, see Respond to a conversation.Note: The size limit for a note attachment is 9.5MB.Once you are done, select Create note.You can update or delete a note once it is posted by hovering over the message and selecting More options .Mention a user or team in a noteSometimes you'll need to call the attention of another user or team when having a conversation Kustomer. When you send a message and include an @mention, the person or team you mention will be notified and brought to your note.You can mention up to 20 teams or individual users in a note. There are two ways to @mention a user or team: Type the @ sign while writing a note. Typing @ followed by the user/team name will give you a narrowed down list to choose. When you find your user/team press the Tab key to autocomplete the mention.Press the @ icon in the bottom of the note editor. This will trigger the same mention dialog to open which you can use to locate the user or team you want to mention.Mentions will always be displayed in bold letters, and the avatar or icon of the user or team mentioned will be included. To remove a mention completely, delete any letter of a mention.All users mentioned in a note will be notified of your mention upon the note being sent. When you mention a team, all members of that team will be notified. Depending on the user's personal notification settings they will be able to see the mention in one of three ways:In-app notifications will show a pop-up alert while the user is logged into the app and has notifications turned on.Email notifications, when the user has this notification setting turned on.Under Notifications in the sidebar.Default note status
By default, when notes are created in a customer's timeline, their status is automatically set to Done. You may want to change this so that notes that are being used as tasks or reminders for another user can be assigned to them in an Open state.Who can access this feature?User typesAdmins can access the Conversation Status page.To change the default status of a note:Go to Settings> Workspace > Conversation Status.Select the Done tab.Turn off the toggle for Set Notes as Done by Default.Now, whenever a note is added to a customer's timeline, its status will be Open.Mark a conversation as spam
You can mark conversations as spam that you no longer want reaching your inbox. Conversations marked as spam are automatically marked as Done in the customer's timeline. You can then view a list of these items to see what conversations or customers are increasing the amount of spam in your agent's inboxes. Who can access this feature?User typesAdmins can access the Business Rules page.In this article:PrerequisiteMark a conversation as spamView conversations marked as spamUnmark a conversation as spamRemove permission to mark conversation as spamPrerequisiteTo ensure that conversations marked as spam are automatically marked as Done, go to Settings> Platform > Business Rules, and turn on the Automatically close spam conversations business rule.Mark a conversation as spamTo mark a conversation as spam, while in a conversation, go to Conversation Options and select Mark As Spam.The conversation will be marked with a spam icon to help you clearly identify spam in your timeline.All conversations marked as spam are automatically marked as Done and removed from your inbox. If the conversation is an email, the email address is automatically added to the Spam Filters block list and all future email conversations from them are automatically filtered out of your inbox. If the conversation is a non-email channel, the conversation is marked with the spam icon.Note: These users are not added to the Spam Filters block list. To block users from contacting you through a non-email channel, you must block them directly from that channel. For example, if you want to block an Instagram user, you must block them on Instagram itself.For organizations using Queues & Routing, these emails won't get routed to an agent.View conversations marked as spamAll conversations marked as spam are also automatically added to a saved Spam search so that you can easily view emails marked you can run a search to see a list of them.You can also run your own search to see a list of these conversations.To run a search:Go to Searchesand select New.Enter the following criteria for the search: Conversation Spam is trueA list of spam conversations will appear in your search results.Unmark a conversation as spamTo remove the spam indicator from a conversation, go to Conversation Options and select Unmark as Spam.Note: Unmarking a conversation as spam automatically removes the sender's email address from the block list. See Manage spam filters for more information.Remove permission to mark conversation as spamYou may not want some users or teams to have the ability to mark conversations as spam. You can remove access to this feature by creating a new permission set.Go to Settings> Users > Permission Sets.Select Add Permission Set. We recommend you use the Best Practice Template.Select Create Permission Set.Enter a name such as, Remove mark spam permission.Expand the Object Permissions section and select to edit the Customer object.Select Access to Customers in the Define Access Level drop-down menu and select Read/View. You can grant additional access, if necessary.Select Save Changes and then Yes, Same Access. This will apply the same access to lower-level objects.Selectto edit the Conversation object permissions and then select the Attribute Permissions tab.Find the Spam attribute and clear the Edit checkbox.Select Save Changes and then Save Changes again to save the new permission set.Assign the members of your organization to this permission set by going to the Users or Teams settings page, selecting the Permission Sets tab, and finding the new permission in the Custom Permission Sets section.Note: If the users or teams are assigned to another permission set that allows them access to the Spam attribute, this change will not remove that access. Review any other permission sets to ensure they don't have access.Bulk update custom fields
You can quickly bulk update custom fields for all conversations you select in search results. For example, you can create a search for all conversations containing the tag shipping delay and use Bulk Update Custom Fields to change the Contact Reason on all of the conversations at once to shipping.Who can access this feature?User typesManagers have access to custom searches.To bulk update a custom field:Go to Searches.Select the Search query you want to use to select the conversations, or create a new search query to segment the conversations that have custom fields you want to change.Select the conversations. If you want to select all of them, select the first checkbox in the column to select all of conversations in that search.Tip: Selecting this checkbox will select conversations across all pages.Select Update Custom Fields in the toolbar.Enter information for the custom fields you want to update. For this example, we will update the Contact Reason field.Select Update. The bulk change will be visible in the conversation details.Move a conversation
Sometimes, you may discover that a conversation should be on different customer's timeline than the one it's on. If you find yourself in this situation, you can quickly move it. Moving a conversation will bring everything in it (messages, notes, @mentions, etc).Note: If this is ever done by mistake, you can move the conversation right back to the original customer’s timeline. Original timestamps will remain unchanged.To move an existing conversation to another customer's timeline:Open the conversation, select Conversation Options , and then select Move Conversation. Note: You cannot move chat or WhatsApp conversations.Enter the name of the customer you’d like to move this conversation to and click Continue.Select Confirm Move to finish moving the conversation to another customer's timeline.The conversation now appears in the customer's timeline in the correct chronological order.Merge a conversation
If a user has two separate conversations on the same topic, you may want to permanently merge those conversations into a single continuous message. When two conversations are merged, all messages and notes in both conversations will be combined and displayed in chronological order, as though they were a single conversation to begin with.Merging is useful when a customer reaches out to your support team across multiple platforms with the same question, or when someone repeatedly emails all of your company's contact addresses about the same issue in an attempt to get a faster reply. Combining these conversations through a merge will help you clean up your support queue.Note: Merging a conversation is a permanent action, and can't be undone. Once the conversations are combined, it won't be possible to unmerge the conversation back into its original messages.If you need a less permanent way to connect related conversations to each other, try using Linked Conversations.In this articleMerge two conversationsWhat happens when you mergeMerge two conversationsOpen the conversation you want to merge, select Customer Options , and then select Merge Conversation. You will see a list of all conversations in that customer's timeline.Select the conversation that you want to merge and select Merge.The merged messages now appear with their original timestamps in the conversation you selected to merge into. What happens when you mergeIf a conversation was merged into one that was taking place in a different channel and you reply to the conversation again, that reply will go through the channel for the last message in the merge. For example, if you merge a SMS conversation into an email conversation and the last message was received via email, your reply will be sent as an email.Below are additional examples of what can occur when you merge two conversations.Conversation AppleConversation BananaResult of merging Conversation Banana into AppleMarked DoneMarked Open or SnoozedConversation Apple is now marked Open or SnoozedCustom attribute "Favorite Color" is set to BlueCustom attribute "Favorite Color" is set to RedThe "Favorite Color" attribute for Conversation Apple retains its original value of Blue. The value from Conversation Banana is discarded.Custom attribute "Location" is not setCustom attribute "Location" is set to NYCThe "Location" attribute for Conversation Apple will be set to NYCDynamic text
Dynamic text allows you to populate a message or shortcut with contextual data, such as a customer's name or email address. Dynamic text is displayed in blue.Admins can also insert KObject data through the use of dynamic text when creating or editing a shortcut. This allows you to build shortcuts that reference useful KObject data like order numbers or billing status. All KObject data is available when using dynamic text in shortcuts.To add dynamic text:Select Snippets & Dynamic Textwhen composing your message or in the Edit Shortcut window.Select the Dynamic Text tab.Note: Dynamic text is also available when composing a bulk message.All KObject data is available when using dynamic text in shortcuts. When used on the timeline, the dynamic text popup will only have access to Customer and Conversation objects.Select an option from the list that opens, or perform a search for it. The text will be added to your message. All KObject data (including custom Klasses and app-installed Klasses) is available to be used. This table shows the list of available standard options:Dynamic Text NameDescriptionCustomer IdThe customer's IDCustomer NameThe customer's full nameCustomer First NameThe customer's first nameCustomer Last NameThe customer's last nameCustomer Email AddressThe customer's email addressCustomer Phone NumberThe customer's phone numberConversation IdThe conversation's IDConversation ChannelsThe list of the channels of the conversationConversation First Message InThe text of the first inbound messageConversation Last Message OutThe text of the last outbound messageConversation NameThe conversation's subjectConversation PreviewThe text of the first message (regardless of direction)Conversation Satisfaction RatingThe number of the satisfaction rating on the conversationConversation StatusThe conversation's statusCurrent User Display NameThe display name of the user who applied the shortcutCurrent User EmailThe email address of the user who applied the shortcutCurrent User Email SignatureThe email signature of the user who applied the shortcutCurrent User MobileThe phone number of the user who applied the shortcutThe available options can also be:Custom attributes on the conversationCustom attributes on the customerThe Title and Description of the most recent KObjectCustom attributes from the most recent KObjectSelect Save once you are done adding dynamic text.Use workspace shortcuts
Shortcuts can speed up your team by providing pre-defined blocks of text that can be used as a canned response. These are more than just canned responses, though. With shortcuts, you can perform actions, such as set or replace the conversation's subject or name, specify an email template, add tags, or specify optional or custom fields, such as assigned user.Shortcuts can be private (just for you), public to the whole company, specific to an individual team, or limited to specific teams and individual users. Who can access this feature?User typesContent Managers can adjust shortcuts.In this article Create shortcutsPerform actions with a shortcutShortcut defaultsAdd shortcut categoriesUse shortcuts in a conversationMove a conversation to a different queueCreate a shortcutYou can customize your shortcuts to be suitable for a variety of responses. To create a shortcut:Go to Settings> Workspace > Shortcuts.Select Add Shortcut.Enter a name without a space.Select its visibility from the Share Access drop-down menu. You can make the shortcut available Publicly or Privately by only giving access to a specific team and/or user.Select Create. The Edit Shortcut page opens.Optionally, select a category you want your shortcut to appear in.Next, add content to the Messages box. The is the actual content that will be sent to your customer. You can format your message with basic formatting options using the text editor and personalize your messages using snippets. You can also add attachments and images to your shortcut. Current supported file types are .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .zip, .txt, .mov, .mp4, .png, and .jpg. Files cannot exceed 5MB per file and the total attachment size cannot exceed 9.5MB total.Select Save Changes.Note: You can use snippets in shortcut names and messages. To do so, select Snippets & Dynamic Textwhen composing the default shortcut message and select the snippet again in the window that opens. If your snippet is translated into other languages, the default platform language will be detected and the Shortcut title will be displayed in the local language so that your agent knows which one to select.Perform actions with a shortcutAlong with using shortcuts to send canned responses quickly, you can have the shortcut perform an action whenever it is used. For example, you can add a VIP tag whenever a customer in a high customer tier contacts you. You can use the following options to perform an action:Conversation Subject - Creates or replaces (updates) the current subject or name of a conversation. This can be useful if, for example, a customer reached out via a Voice channel and then follows up via email. You can use this shortcut to change the conversation's subject to something more specific to the followup reason.Conversation Email Template - Select the email template you'd like used once the shortcut is accessedConversation Tags - Append one ore more tags. You can use tags to help identify conversations when running reports. This can be great for reporting since Conversations can be identified by the tags they contain.Add Optional Fields - Update additional conversation fields including Assigned User, Assigned Team, Queue, and Status. Learn more about moving a conversation to a different queue.Shortcut defaultsThe Defaults tab in the Shortcuts settings page allows you to set up shortcuts to automatically apply when you open a conversation or create a note. This optional feature is used when you wish to automatically populate a template for your users to use when replying to a customer or creating a note.Note: Any shortcut in your org can be specified as a default, so make sure you review all the characteristics of your shortcut to confirm it's appropriate to set as a default reply. Best practices recommend only applying shortcuts that include text strings - you won't want to apply a shortcut that takes action on conversations, like marking the conversation as done, because this will be applied as soon as an agent clicks Reply.Reply TemplateA Reply Template can be set to specify a default response when replying to a customer. This pre-populated shortcut will be added to all new replies from your organization. For example, if your users always reply to an email with "Hi <Customer Name>", you can streamline their reply workflow by saving this as a shortcut. When this shortcut is assigned as the default Reply Template, it will automatically appear when composing a reply to a customer.Note TemplateA Note Template works similarly, but instead controls what text populates by default when a user creates a new note. The note will be created with this shortcut as its initial content. For example, if you want team members to routinely collect a certain set of information when creating a note, you might create a shortcut like:Name:Callback number:Add shortcut categoriesYou can use shortcut categories to organize all your shortcuts into logical groupings that users can easily navigate through when responding to a conversation.To create a shortcut category:Go to Settings> Workspace > Shortcuts.Go to the Categories tab and select Add Category.Enter the name of the new category.Select Create. The new category will be listed on the page. To see its available actions, hover over the category name.The following actions are available:Add Categorycreates a sub category.Edit Categoryis where you can change the category name.Add Shortcutlets you create a new shortcut to add to the category.Expand/Collapse all SubcategoriesEnter a name for the new category, and select its parent from the drop-down menu. You can change the order of your categories using the numbered drop-down menu or by dragging-and-dropping it to your desired location. Categories are also visible from the menu that appears when using a shortcut in a message reply.Select Create. To add a shortcut to a category:From the Shortcuts window, select Editfor the Shortcut you wish to add in a category.Select a category from the drop-down menu.Note: To select a subcategory, expand the parent to find it.Use shortcuts in a conversationWhen replying to a conversation, there are two ways that you can use shortcuts: Enter the hashtag symbol (#) into a reply or note. This will activate the shortcut menu, and text entered after the "#" will be used to search shortcuts.Alternatively, select Insert Shortcut from menu bar when composing a message. Both the Name and Message fields are searchable. If you use a shortcut with a snippet containing translations, the shortcut name will be displayed in your local language.Move a conversation to a different queueYou can use shortcuts to move a conversation to a different queue.From the Shortcuts window, select Add Optional Fields.Select Queue from the drop-down menu.Select the queue you want to move a conversation to when a user applies the shortcut.Now, whenever this shortcut is used in a conversation, it performs its specific action and transfers the conversation to the specified queue.Notes: Transferring a conversation to a different queue will unassign it from its current user.If you use the optional field to change the conversation status to Done and create a message in the same shortcut, the conversation will close and the message will not send. You should not combine marking the conversation status to Done and sending a message in the same action.Related articlesFormat dates in shortcutsConditional shortcut textFormat dates in shortcuts
When responding to a customer with a shortcut that includes a date, you may want to adjust the formatting of the date. For example, a customer may be writing in about their reservation date. By default, using a date in a shortcut includes the timestamp, such as January 18, 2019 12:00 AM. You have the option to adjust the formatting of the date, pass in a locale, and set the timezone.Who can access this feature?User typesAdmins can adjust shortcuts. The following are examples of how the date formatting can be used:dateFormat (default){{dateFormat customer.custom.reservationDateAt}} will display the following date as: January 18, 2019.dateFormat (with format option)The formatting options are based on the Moment.js localized date formats here. The structure of the shortcut helper using the "ll" Moment.js date format would look like: {{dateFormat customer.custom.reservationDateAt format="ll"}} and will display the date as: Jan 18, 2019.dateFormat (with locale option)Another optional field to pass in when using this helper is the locale. By default, the locale is "en-us", but if you are based in the UK, you can pass in a date format of "en-gb". For example, {{dateFormat customer.custom.reservationDateAt locale="en-gb"}} will display the date as: 18 January 2019.dateFormat (with timezone option)Formatting the date with a timezone ensures that the shortcut will output one standard timezone regardless of where agents are located. The timezone options are based on Moment.js (see a few examples here. The structure of the shortcut helper using the "America/Los_Angeles" timezone would look like: {{dateFormat customer.custom.reservationDateAt format="LL z" timezone="America/Los_Angeles"}} and will display the date as: January 17, 2019 PST.Keep in mind that you can pass in any combination of the "format", "locale" and "timezone" options to adjust how the date will be displayed.Conditional shortcut text
There are times when you might want to send different responses to a user depending on the who the customer is or what they're asking about.For example, let's say you offer a different return policy depending on the user's billing tier. Conditional shortcuts offer you the flexibility to send one policy when the customer or conversation's custom attribute is set to value1, and send a different response when it's set to value2. Who can access this feature?User typesAdmins can access the Shortcuts page.Here are some examples of how to use conditional statements in shortcuts:If Boolean (true/false) is equal to True{{#ifCond conversation.custom.isBoolValueBool "==" "1"}} This boolean is set!! {{else}} this boolean is false {{/ifCond}}If Text or String equals Value{{#ifCond customer.custom.userBillingTierStr "==" "Diamond"}} Our return policy is 60 days for Diamond users. {{else}} Our return policy is 30 days for Platinum users. {{/ifCond}}If a number is greater than X{{#ifCond customer.custom.orderCountNum ">=" "1"}} I'm sorry you're having issues with your order. {{else}} Hmm, I don't see your order in our system, do you mind sending me the order number? {{/ifCond}}Field values in conditional shortcut textYou can extend the flexibility of conditional shortcut text by including field values such as, {{../customer.firstName}} in the output text. Field values allow you to add customized text customized text that's relevant to the properties of a customer or conversation, while also further personalizing the message with other available values.Because the value is being inserted into the existing structure of the conditional formatting, you will need to call this using the standard curly brackets with the addition of ../ before the field name. Here is an example of how that would look:{{#ifCond customer.custom.subscriptionTier ">=" "Platinum"}} Welcome to the VIP club, {{../customer.firstName}}! {{else}} Welcome to the club, {{../customer.firstName}}! {{/ifCond}}Related articlesUse workspace shortcutsFormat dates in shortcutsLinked Conversations
Linked Conversations allows you to relate conversations to one another by mapping real-world relationships within the Kustomer platform. With linked conversations, you can freely associate a conversation from one customer with a conversation from an entirely different party. This feature dramatically improves your agents' flexibility and helps your teams provide world-class customer service.In this articleWhen would I use Linked Conversations?How it worksLinking a conversationFrequently asked questionsWhen would I use Linked Conversations?The power and flexibility of linked conversations can be used in all sorts of ways, in whatever capacity best serves the needs of your team.For example, if you're a hotel booking site, one of your customers might create a booking of many rooms for multiple guests. Any of the guests on that reservation might contact you about the same booking. Your agents can search for other conversations using the same booking ID, and then link any or all of these conversations together to help you provide more consistent communication across everybody on that reservation.Another example: if you're a sales company, a customer might reach out to you with questions about an item they've purchased that is backordered. Your agent likely also has a conversation open with the supplier that's providing the backordered item. Now, your agents can link these conversations together so they can quickly and easily check on the status of the item when the customer gets in contact.How it worksTo get started with linking conversations, open any conversation on the Kustomer timeline. Then, look to the Insight Panel to locate the Linked Conversations card where you'll manage or find related conversations. Any conversation in Kustomer can have up to 20 linked conversations.Linking one conversation to another creates that link in both directions. For example:You open the conversation Jenny's Order, and relate it to the conversation Tom's Return.When you later view the conversation Jenny's Order, the Linked Conversations card will show Tom's Return.Additionally, if you open the conversation Tom's Return, you'll see Jenny's Order listed as a linked conversation.Unlinking the conversation removes that link from both ends.Linking a conversationTo get started, select + Link Conversation in the Insight Panel, or from the Conversation Options menu in the conversation header. A modal will appear where you can see more information about the current conversation and find other conversations to link to.We offer a combination of search, date ranges, and filters to help you find the right conversation to link to. You can use any or all of these filters together to locate your conversation more easily.Start by entering a term in the Searches field to locate a conversation using a search term. Search will locate terms in the title/subject of the message, or within the message body.Then, you can narrow down your results by using the Date Range selector to limit your search to specific dates. This filters conversations by their last updated date.Or, use the Quick Date Ranges button to pull up a pre-populated list of common date ranges.You can also narrow down search results by a particular customer or status. Use the Edit Filter button to apply filters to your search.Once you've located the item or items you want to link, use the checkboxes at the left to check the conversation(s) to select them. Then, select Confirm Linking at the bottom of the window to finish linking.When this is successful, all of your linked conversations will be shown in the Insight Panel, where you can select them to quickly jump to that conversation. You can also unlink the conversation at any time by using the options menu next to the linked conversation.In addition to using the Linked Conversations Insight Card, you can also link conversations in the Kustomer Timeline from the Conversation Options menu.Frequently asked questionsQ: How many conversations can I link at a time?Our current support allows for any conversation in Kustomer to have up to 20 linked conversations.Q: What happens if I merge conversations that have linked conversations?Any conversation links that were created before merging will be preserved. The resulting merged conversation will contain any linked conversations that were set up on either of the original conversations.If merging a conversation would result in more than 20 linked conversations, those additional links will be preserved — however, the in-app interface can only display the first 20 linked conversations. You would need to use the API to interact with any linked conversations beyond the UI limit of 20 conversations.Q: How do I access Linked Conversations via the API?If you make a request to GET /v1/conversations/:id, we will return the linkedConversations array if there are any links present: "linkedConversations": [ { "id": "618d7e9cc2f39a7f46618704", "customer": "6148837c1e3dc58302a2c940" }, { "id": "6148837cd1edc477c46e5ef3", "customer": "6148837c8e1159e0a57c1460" } ]If there are no links present, a request to GET /v1/conversations/:id will return an empty linkedConversations array: "linkedConversations": []For further assistance interacting with Linked Conversations via the API, please Contact Kustomer Support.Q: Does this feature support automations?We currently do not offer automation support for this feature. If you'd like to see this added, please let us know.Q: Can I search or report on linked conversations?Linked conversations is not currently exposed to search and reporting at this time.Use snippets to send translated messages
With snippets, you can insert translated content into shortcuts, conversation replies, chat, and email templates. Snippets are not available in workflows.Who can access this feature?User typesAdmins can access the Shortcuts and Snippets pages.In this articleUse snippets in shortcutsUse snippets in conversation repliesUse snippets in default chat greetingsUse snippets in email templatesUse snippets in shortcutsYou can use snippets in your shortcut name, message, or both.To add a snippet in a shortcut:Go to Settings>Workspace > Shortcuts.Select Add Shortcut and then select Snippets in the Shortcut Name box.Select the desired snippet from the window that opens to use it as the name.Select Create.You can also select Snippets in the Messages box to use a snippet in the message body.Note: If your snippet is translated into other languages, the default platform language will be detected and the shortcut title will be displayed in the local language so that your agent knows which one to select. Enter the remaining shortcut details and select Save Changes. For more information on shortcuts, see Use workspace shortcuts.You can see which shortcuts are using a specific snippet by hovering over Shortcuts in the Snippets page.You can also see the shortcuts being used when editing a snippet. Selecting the shortcut link opens its edit page in a separate window.Use snippets in conversation repliesYou can use snippets to quickly send a response to a customer in a conversation reply or send an internal note to someone on your team.To send a snippet from within a conversation:Select the conversation you want to reply to and then select Snippets & Dynamic Text.Select the snippet you want to send. You can either search by its name, or select it from the list shown.The snippet text is automatically inserted in the conversation.Note: Once a snippet has been inserted into the reply editor, a user can edit it at any point. Once an edit is made, it will no longer be highlighted in purple.You can change the language of a snippet by selecting it and choosing the language you want to use from the drop-down menu.Use snippets in default chat greetingsChat will automatically detect the language a customer uses through their browser's default language (or "locale"). Chat will use that setting to display content in the correct language, as well as apply that language to the customer or conversation records. You can pass in a language override if you already know that data from your website or mobile app. You can use snippets to personalize the team name or default greeting messages.To use a snippet in the default chat greetings:Go to Apps > Chat.Expand the Team Info section and select Snippets in the message box you wish to add it in and select the snippet you want to use.Select Save.Use snippets in email templatesYou can use snippets in your email templates that will automatically change to the correct language based on the customer you're sending an email to.To use a snippet in an email template:Go to Settings > Administration > Snippets.Find the snippet you want to use and copy its name. In this example, the name is sn.org_order_issue.In the Settings panel, go to Administration > Email Templates to create or edit a template.In the Body box, enter the snippet name in the HTML in the following format: [[sn.org_order_issue]]Once you're done editing your template, select Save Changes.Related articlesReuse text with snippetsUse workspace shortcuts
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