Manage spam filters
Last Update: Sep 2024 • Est. Read Time: 2 MINWe know most of our customers deal with spam conversations that can make it difficult to organize customer queries and reply in a timely manner. With our spam feature, you can mark these conversations as spam and keep them out of your inboxes and queues so your agents can focus on customers who actually need your help.
Who can access this feature? | |
User types | Admins can set up spam filters. |
In this article
Creating spam filters
If you are using Kustomer's default client to send and receive emails, you can create spam filters to help eliminate spam. You can also create a filter that will allow emails from specific addresses to always arrive in your agent's inboxes.
To block an email address:
- Go to Settings > Administration > Spam Filters.
- Enter the email address you want to block in the field provided.
- Select Add to Block List.
- Repeat these steps to continue adding addresses.
The email addresses on your block list are listed, along with the date they were added.To delete an email address from the block list, select Delete
for that address. Deleting an email that was previously blocked will allow emails from that address to arrive in your inbox.
Note: You can also automatically add a sender's email address to the block list by marking an email conversation as spam. Unmarking a conversation as spam will automatically remove the address from this list. You can also manually remove an address from this list to start receiving emails from this sender again.
To allow an email address:
- From the Spam Filters page, select the Allow List tab.
- Enter the email address you want to allow in the field provided.
- Select Add to Allow List.
- Repeat these steps to continue adding addresses.
All incoming emails from the addresses listed will arrive in your inbox, regardless of the content in the email.
Allow or block entire domains
You can use wildcard characters to either block or allow emails from certain domains. Wildcards are special characters that you can use in English-language search queries to represent unknown characters. This is useful when you want to create rules that search and match on a broader scale, like finding all email addresses from an entire domain name.
For example, you may want to always receive emails that come from and prevent them from being marked as spam. You can do this by adding * to the allow list.
Similarly, you may want to block all emails from and can do so by adding * to the block list.
Note: If you use wildcards to block or allow emails from an entire domain, and then add an individual email address from that domain to the opposite list, priority will be given to the individual email address.
For example, let's say you added * to your block list and then add to your allow list. You will receive all emails from Jim, and any other emails that come from will continue to be blocked.