Create custom sub statuses

Last Update: Sep 2024 • Est. Read Time: 2 MIN
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You can create custom sub statuses that let you add more specific details to your standard conversation statuses. For example, instead of only snoozing the conversation, you can use a sub status to specify that you are waiting for the customer to reply to you with additional information. 

Who can access this feature?
User typesAdmins can create new sub statuses.

In this article

Custom sub status limits

You can create up to 50 custom sub statuses for any of your three main status options of Open, Done, or Snoozed.

Create a custom sub status

  1. Go to Settings > Workspace > Conversation Status.
  2. Select Add Sub Status.
  3. Select the main status from the Sub Status of drop-down menu. For this example, select Snoozed.
  4. Enter a name for the custom sub status. In this example, we will create a sub status for Snooze that indicates that an agent is waiting for the engineering team to reply before they can reply to the customer.
  5. Optionally, enter a description and select Create.

Select the main status tab to view all your custom sub statuses, in this case, the Snooze tab.

Manage sub statuses

You can manage your sub statuses once they are created in one of several ways:

  • Deactivate and reactivate sub statuses within your platform by turning its toggle on and off. Deactivating a sub status will prevent an agent from using them when they change a conversation’s status, however they can be brought back to use at a later time when reactivated. 

  • Edit the name and description of a sub status at any time. If you change the name of a sub status, it will change on all conversations currently associated with that sub status.

  • Delete  a sub status from your platform. Once deleted, a sub status cannot be reactivate within the Kustomer app. Deleting a sub status will not remove that sub status on associated conversations, but will prevent it from being associated with additional conversations moving forward.

Apply a sub status

If a conversation's status is Open or Done, you can add a sub status by selecting the conversation and then selecting the desired sub status from the Sub Status drop-down menu in the Conversation Detail view.

To change the sub status of a snoozed conversation, select Snooze Conversationand then select the sub status from the drop-down menu.

Next, select how long you will be snoozing a conversation

If your conversation is currently snoozed, you can also change the sub status by selecting it from the Conversation Details pane or Snooze Conversationand selecting a different sub status from the menu.