Linked Conversations
Last Update: Oct 2024 • Est. Read Time: 4 MINLinked Conversations allows you to relate conversations to one another by mapping real-world relationships within the Kustomer platform. With linked conversations, you can freely associate a conversation from one customer with a conversation from an entirely different party. This feature dramatically improves your agents' flexibility and helps your teams provide world-class customer service.
In this article
When would I use Linked Conversations?
The power and flexibility of linked conversations can be used in all sorts of ways, in whatever capacity best serves the needs of your team.
For example, if you're a hotel booking site, one of your customers might create a booking of many rooms for multiple guests. Any of the guests on that reservation might contact you about the same booking. Your agents can search for other conversations using the same booking ID, and then link any or all of these conversations together to help you provide more consistent communication across everybody on that reservation.
Another example: if you're a sales company, a customer might reach out to you with questions about an item they've purchased that is backordered. Your agent likely also has a conversation open with the supplier that's providing the backordered item. Now, your agents can link these conversations together so they can quickly and easily check on the status of the item when the customer gets in contact.
How it works
To get started with linking conversations, open any conversation on the Kustomer timeline. Then, look to the Insight Panel to locate the Linked Conversations card where you'll manage or find related conversations. Any conversation in Kustomer can have up to 20 linked conversations.
Linking one conversation to another creates that link in both directions. For example:
- You open the conversation Jenny's Order, and relate it to the conversation Tom's Return.
- When you later view the conversation Jenny's Order, the Linked Conversations card will show Tom's Return.
- Additionally, if you open the conversation Tom's Return, you'll see Jenny's Order listed as a linked conversation.
- Unlinking the conversation removes that link from both ends.
Linking a conversation
To get started, select + Link Conversation in the Insight Panel, or from the Conversation Options menu in the conversation header. A modal will appear where you can see more information about the current conversation and find other conversations to link to.
We offer a combination of search, date ranges, and filters to help you find the right conversation to link to. You can use any or all of these filters together to locate your conversation more easily.
Start by entering a term in the Searches field to locate a conversation using a search term. Search will locate terms in the title/subject of the message, or within the message body.
Then, you can narrow down your results by using the Date Range selector to limit your search to specific dates. This filters conversations by their last updated date.
Or, use the Quick Date Ranges button to pull up a pre-populated list of common date ranges.
You can also narrow down search results by a particular customer or status. Use the Edit Filter button to apply filters to your search.
Once you've located the item or items you want to link, use the checkboxes at the left to check the conversation(s) to select them. Then, select Confirm Linking at the bottom of the window to finish linking.
When this is successful, all of your linked conversations will be shown in the Insight Panel, where you can select them to quickly jump to that conversation. You can also unlink the conversation at any time by using the options menu next to the linked conversation.
In addition to using the Linked Conversations Insight Card, you can also link conversations in the Kustomer Timeline from the Conversation Options menu.
Frequently asked questions
Q: How many conversations can I link at a time?
Our current support allows for any conversation in Kustomer to have up to 20 linked conversations.
Q: What happens if I merge conversations that have linked conversations?
Any conversation links that were created before merging will be preserved. The resulting merged conversation will contain any linked conversations that were set up on either of the original conversations.
If merging a conversation would result in more than 20 linked conversations, those additional links will be preserved — however, the in-app interface can only display the first 20 linked conversations. You would need to use the API to interact with any linked conversations beyond the UI limit of 20 conversations.
Q: How do I access Linked Conversations via the API?
If you make a request to GET /v1/conversations/:id
, we will return the linkedConversations
array if there are any links present:
"linkedConversations": [ { "id": "618d7e9cc2f39a7f46618704", "customer": "6148837c1e3dc58302a2c940" }, { "id": "6148837cd1edc477c46e5ef3", "customer": "6148837c8e1159e0a57c1460" } ]
If there are no links present, a request to GET /v1/conversations/:id
will return an empty linkedConversations
"linkedConversations": []
For further assistance interacting with Linked Conversations via the API, please Contact Kustomer Support.
Q: Does this feature support automations?
We currently do not offer automation support for this feature. If you'd like to see this added, please let us know.
Q: Can I search or report on linked conversations?
Linked conversations is not currently exposed to search and reporting at this time.