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Sort your inbox

Last Update: Sep 2024 Est. Read Time:
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You can sort your inbox to prioritize the conversations most relevant to you. Sorting conversations helps ensure that your prioritized conversations appear at the top of your inbox, so you know which ones to review first.


  • While you do not have to go online to see your sorted inbox items, you must select a routing team to initiate this view.
  • You can not sort your inbox if you have more than 100 conversations assigned to you.

The following options are available:

  • Waiting Longest sorts conversations that are waiting the longest for a reply from the agent to the top of your inbox.

  • Newest Response sorts conversations that contain the most recent customer response that has not been responded to the top of your inbox.

  • Newly Assigned sorts newest assigned conversation to agent appears to the top of your inbox. This is the default sort option.

  • Oldest Assigned sorts oldest assigned conversation to agent appears to the top of your inbox.

  • Highest Priority sorts conversations with the highest priority level as defined in the standard Priority field.

  • SLA sorts the soonest to expire SLA to the top of your inbox. Conversations without an SLA, or conversations that have already been breached or satisfied will be sorted by most recently assigned. The following example lists the order of how different conversations would sort, based on SLA:
    • Conversation 1 = 1:00MIN to breach
    • Conversation 2 = 2:00MIN to breach
    • Conversation 3 = NO SLA <assigned 1st>
    • Conversation 4 = BREACHED <assigned 2nd>
    • Conversation 5 = SATISFIED <assigned 3rd>
    • Conversation 6 = BREACHED <assigned 4th>