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Shopify timeline layout

Last Update: Oct 2024 • Est. Read Time: 2 MIN
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Once you connect Kustomer to your Shopify store(s), all Shopify orders for a customer will appear in their timeline. This layout is created for you by default, and cannot be deleted. If you've recently upgraded the app, you can revert to a previous version of this view or customize it through the code editor to create a new version. For more information, see Timeline Layout and Insight Card Versioning.

In this article

View order information

The Information tab shows detailed payment information for the order.

Order Information shows the following details for each individual order:

  • Order # shows the Shopify order number. To view the order in Shopify's order page itself, hover over the order number and select.

  • Order ID is the unique identification number for the order.

  • Store is the Shopify store where the purchase was made.

  • Order Created is when the order was placed.

  • Order Updated is the last time the order information was updated, such as if the fulfillment status changes.

  • Financial Status is the order's current payment status. 

  • Fulfillment Status is the order's current fulfillment status. The following options are available:
    • Fulfilled/Tracked indicates that the order has been fulfilled and tracking information for the shipment is available. 
    • Fulfilled indicates that the order has been fulfilled.
    • Partial indicates that the order fulfillment is in progress.
    • Unfulfilled indicates that the order has not been fulfilled yet.

Charges Breakdown is a detailed list of all of the charges incurred for the order, including shipping and handling fees and any taxes that were applied. It also includes any discounts or refunds that were applied to the order.

If an item had any discounts applied to it, a  icon will be visible next to the amount charged. Selecting the icon displays additional information on the total discount for that item.

If an order has refunded items, you can see the refund reason (if given) by hovering over the.

Customer Information shows detailed payment information for the order, such as payment method and the customer's billing and shipping address.

The Items tab shows a breakdown of each item in the order, including the item and its description, the item price, quantity ordered, and total amount charged for each item.

Once an item has shipped, you will see a Shipping Informationicon in the Items tab. Hovering over the icon will show shipping status and tracking information for that specific item.

Canceled or refunded orders

Orders that have been canceled or refunded are marked with an orange triangle in the upper left corner. 

If you hover over the orange triangle, you view all refund and cancellation activity for that order. 

Use actions in the Shopify timeline layout

You can create invoices for an order, refund or cancel items in an order directly within the Shopify timeline layout by selecting an order and then selecting Update Order. For more information, see Create a Shopify order and Cancel or refund items in Shopify.

Note: You may not see these options if:

  • You may not have the correct permissions to perform Shopify actions.
  • You are a legacy user and have orders that were processed using the old webhooks prior to upgrading to the new version of the app. Instead, you will see an order number that links to the Shopify order page. Actions will become available for an order if the order is updated from Shopify’s end after updating your app.