
Bring your customers' Shopify orders into the Kustomer timeline.
  • Integrate with Shopify

    The Shopify app for Kustomer brings your customers' purchases into the Kustomer timeline and gives agents access to Shopify actions. This gives you the ability to satisfy customer requests entirely within the Kustomer platform.Who can access this feature?User typesAdmins can set up this integration.In this articlePrerequisitesInstall the Shopify appConnect additional Shopify storesImport past orders from your Shopify storeView Shopify orders in KustomerDelete a Shopify store from KustomerConnecting multiple Shopify storesPrerequisitesBefore starting this integration, you must have at least one store already set up in Shopify.Install the Shopify appTo integrate Shopify with Kustomer, install the Shopify app from within the Kustomer App Directory.Go to Appsand select Explore Directory.Search for Shopify in the App Directory, and then select Install.A wizard will appear to walk you through the rest of the setup process. In the first step, you'll need to connect your Shopify store. Select Connect Store.You'll be directed to the Shopify App Store in a new tab where you'll continue setup. After you sign in to Shopify, select Add app on the page for the Kustomer app. Select Install app on the following page to confirm.You'll be redirected to Kustomer, where you will be prompted to select your organization or enter its name. If you don't recall your organization name, you can copy this from the other Kustomer tab in the install wizard.Your selected Shopify store will now be connected to Kustomer. When this is successful, you'll see a confirmation badge on your store in the wizard. Proceed to the next step.On the next wizard step, you'll have the option of importing prior orders. All new orders going forward after you set up this integration will be captured in Kustomer automatically. If you have prior orders in Shopify that you want to move into Kustomer as well, follow the steps on this screen to import them. If you don't have any prior orders to import, you can continue and finish setup.Your Shopify store is now connected to Kustomer. You can go to the Shopify settings in Kustomer anytime in Apps to take further actions like adding additional stores.Connect additional Shopify storesOnce you install the Shopify app in Kustomer, you can connect your store.Go to Apps and select Shopify in the sidebar.Select Add Store.In the prompt that appears, select Go to Shopify. You'll be directed to the Shopify App Store where you will complete the setup process.Select Add App on Kustomer's Shopify App Store page.Enter the URL for your Shopify store and select Log In.Log in to your selected Shopify store.You will be redirected to Kustomer where you will be prompted to enter your Kustomer org's name.Select Continue.Your selected Shopify store is now connected to Kustomer. To add additional stores with separate Shopify accounts, sign out of your current Shopify store and repeat the steps above.If your Shopify account has multiple stores associated with it, please follow the instructions in Connecting multiple Shopify stores to finish connecting the other stores.Import past orders from your Shopify storeAfter connecting your Shopify store, any future orders will automatically be routed into Kustomer. If you also have past order history in Shopify that you wish to bring over into Kustomer, these orders can be imported as well. We'll offer to import orders during initial setup, but you can also do this at any time from the Shopify app settings.To import past orders from Shopify:Go to Apps and select Shopify in the sidebar.Locate the desired store, then in the Import Orders section, select Import.A modal appears which you can use to confirm the scope of your import. Select Begin Import to confirm.You can check on the status of the order import process by hovering over the status badge in the Shopify settings. While the import processes, you can repeat the process and select Import Orders again with any other stores to add them to the import queue. Color-coded status badges will indicate the progress of your import, as well as which stores are in the import queue or completed.After queueing an import, it will continue to run in the background until it finishes. You can safely leave Kustomer or close your browser during the import process without interrupting the import.View Shopify orders in KustomerOnce you have completed these steps, all new orders will appear in the customer timeline. You can also view the last 100 orders for a specific customer in the Shopify Insight Card.You may experience issues viewing Shopify data in the timeline layout or insight card if you have a custom Shopify workflow enabled instead of the app-installed workflow. If this occurs:Go to Settings> Platform > Workflows.Find the custom workflow and turn off its toggle to deactivate it.Select the App Created tab.Turn on the toggle for the shopify-order-sync workflow.You should now be able to view Shopify data correctly in these views. If you wish to continue using your custom workflow, please contact us at a Shopify store from KustomerIn the Shopify app settings, you can remove a store from your Kustomer configuration at any time.Go to Apps and select Shopify in the sidebar.Select the menu icon and select Disconnect store.Connecting multiple Shopify storesConnecting your Shopify account will add the primary store associated with that account. If your Shopify account has multiple stores associated with it, here's how you'll connect those additional stores.Log in to the Shopify website, and switch to the store you wish to connect.Select Apps in the left sidebar, then select the Customize your Store button at the top-right. This opens the Shopify App Store in another browser tab.Search for Kustomer from the App Store and select it from the list of results.Select Add app to install.Confirm you want to connect the store to Kustomer. This will navigate you back to the Kustomer site.Choose the Kustomer organization you want to connect to. (Most organizations only have option to select.)Kustomer will open to the Shopify page in our App Directory, and you should a notification at the bottom of the screen acknowledging the account was added.To confirm that the store was added successfully, select Go to Settings on the Shopify page.Repeat this process for any additional stores associated with your Shopify account.
  • Shopify timeline layout

    Once you connect Kustomer to your Shopify store(s), all Shopify orders for a customer will appear in their timeline. This layout is created for you by default, and cannot be deleted. If you've recently upgraded the app, you can revert to a previous version of this view or customize it through the code editor to create a new version. For more information, see Timeline Layout and Insight Card Versioning.In this articleView order informationCanceled or refunded ordersUse actions in the Shopify timeline layoutView order informationThe Information tab shows detailed payment information for the order.Order Information shows the following details for each individual order:Order # shows the Shopify order number. To view the order in Shopify's order page itself, hover over the order number and select.Order ID is the unique identification number for the order.Store is the Shopify store where the purchase was made.Order Created is when the order was placed.Order Updated is the last time the order information was updated, such as if the fulfillment status changes.Financial Status is the order's current payment status. Fulfillment Status is the order's current fulfillment status. The following options are available:Fulfilled/Tracked indicates that the order has been fulfilled and tracking information for the shipment is available. Fulfilled indicates that the order has been fulfilled.Partial indicates that the order fulfillment is in progress.Unfulfilled indicates that the order has not been fulfilled yet.Charges Breakdown is a detailed list of all of the charges incurred for the order, including shipping and handling fees and any taxes that were applied. It also includes any discounts or refunds that were applied to the order.If an item had any discounts applied to it, a  icon will be visible next to the amount charged. Selecting the icon displays additional information on the total discount for that item.If an order has refunded items, you can see the refund reason (if given) by hovering over the.Customer Information shows detailed payment information for the order, such as payment method and the customer's billing and shipping address.The Items tab shows a breakdown of each item in the order, including the item and its description, the item price, quantity ordered, and total amount charged for each item.Once an item has shipped, you will see a Shipping Informationicon in the Items tab. Hovering over the icon will show shipping status and tracking information for that specific item.Canceled or refunded ordersOrders that have been canceled or refunded are marked with an orange triangle in the upper left corner. If you hover over the orange triangle, you view all refund and cancellation activity for that order. Use actions in the Shopify timeline layoutYou can create invoices for an order, refund or cancel items in an order directly within the Shopify timeline layout by selecting an order and then selecting Update Order. For more information, see Create a Shopify order and Cancel or refund items in Shopify.Note: You may not see these options if:You may not have the correct permissions to perform Shopify actions.You are a legacy user and have orders that were processed using the old webhooks prior to upgrading to the new version of the app. Instead, you will see an order number that links to the Shopify order page. Actions will become available for an order if the order is updated from Shopify’s end after updating your app.
  • Shopify Insight Card

    Once you connect Kustomer to your Shopify store(s), you can access an Insight Card that shows a customer's index view of Shopify order details. This card is created for you by default and cannot be deleted or edited.The Shopify card displays the last 100 orders associated with a customer. Shopify orders are paginated, with four orders displayed per page and up to 25 pages of results.Who can access this feature?User typesAvailable to users with the Shopify integration.In this articleOverviewView order detailsUse actions in the Shopify cardOverviewThe Shopify card shows the following information by default:The name of the store where the order was placed.The date the order was placed.The Shopify order number. To view the order in Shopify's order page itself, hover over the order number and select .The order's fulfillment status. You can hover over this icon to see additional status details, such as the last time the status was updated. The following options are available:Fulfilled/Trackedindicates that the order has been fulfilled and tracking information for the shipment is available. You can copy the tracking number or selectto open a new tab directly into the shipping information from the shipping provider.Fulfilled indicates that the order has been fulfilled.Partialindicates that the order fulfillment is in progress.Unfulfilled indicates that the order has not been fulfilled yet.The total amount of charges for all items in the order. This value includes any discounts or refunds that were applied to the order. Orders that were canceled are shown with this value crossed out.You can search for the following order information directly through the Shopify card:Item nameDate that the order was placedSKUVendor nameOrder numberPayment statusFulfillment statusView order detailsTo view order details for a specific order, select the order in the card. The Information tab shows detailed payment information such as, payment method, billing and shipping address, and the total amount of charges in the order, including any discounts or refunds that were applied. You can view the order directly in Shopify by selecting the order number link at the bottom of the card.The Items tab shows a breakdown of each item in the order, including the item and its description, the item price, quantity ordered, and total amount charged for each item.If an item had any discounts applied to it, a  icon will be visible underneath the item description. Selecting the icon displays additional information on the total discount for that item.If an item has been shipped and there's a shipping status or tracking number available, a icon will be next to the item.Canceled or refunded OrdersOrders that have been canceled or refunded are marked with an orange triangle in the upper right corner. An order that has been canceled is shown in gray, with the total crossed out.If you hover over the orange triangle, you can view all refund and cancellation activity for that order. If you select the Items tab, you can hover over the triangle for a specific item in the Items tab and view specific item activity.Use actions in the Shopify cardYou can refund or cancel items in an order directly within the Shopify card by selecting an order and then selecting Update Order. For more information, see Cancel or refund items in Shopify.You can create Shopify orders by clicking the Create Order button in the Shopify Insight Card at the bottom. See Create a Shopify order.Note: You may not see these options if:You may not have the correct permissions to perform Shopify actions.You are a legacy user and have orders that were processed using the old webhooks prior to upgrading to the new version of the app. Instead, you will see an order number that links to the Shopify order page. Actions will become available for an order if the order is updated from Shopify’s end after updating your app.
  • Cancel or refund order items in Shopify

    Existing orders can be cancelled or refunded in Shopify from in Kustomer by agents. To create orders for customers see Create a Shopify order. Who can access this feature?User typesAdmins can set up this integration. Agents can cancel or refund orders from the timeline.In this articlePrerequisitesRefund or cancel items in an orderRefunding all or part of an orderCanceling an orderPrerequisitesShopify integration set up with at least one store set up in Shopify. See Integrate with Shopify article.Existing customer(s) with a valid email address(es). Access to Shopify actions for agents set up in Permissions, see the Best practices permission sets article, Shopify actions section.Refund or cancel items in an orderYou can refund or cancel items in an order directly within the Shopify insight card or timeline layout by selecting an order and then selecting Update Order.Here, you can choose whether you want to Refund or Cancel all or part of an order that has not been fulfilled. If an order is already fulfilled, you will not be able to select either of these options.You may not see these options if:You do not have the correct permissions to perform Shopify actions.You are a legacy user and have orders that were processed using the old webhooks prior to upgrading to the new version of the app. Instead, you will see an order number that links to the Shopify order page. Actions will become available for an order if the order is updated from Shopify’s end after updating your app.Refunding all or part of an orderIf you choose to refund an order, select the quantity of items per SKU to refund. The Summary section of the Refund window will show the total amount that is going to be refunded, including any applicable discounts. The following additional options are available:Refund Shipping is the amount of the original shipping amount that can be refunded. The total amount available is shown below the box.Reason for Refund is a description of why the items are being refunded. This information will only be visible to other users of your Shopify instance.Manual lets you override the refund total by manually entering a refund amount. Restock Items indicates that the refunded items will be restocked. Send a notification to the customer resultsin a notification sent to the customer that is controlled by preferences in Shopify.Note: The notification comes directly from Shopify and will not be viewable in Kustomer.Once you are done entering the refund details, select Refund.Canceling an orderIf you cancel an order, all items in the order will be refunded, by default.If the customer only wants to cancel part of their order, you can manually change the items that are being canceled by entering a different value in the Refund Payments section.
  • Search for Shopify orders

    You can use Kustomer's global search to find Shopify orders within customer timelines. Keep in mind that data from Shopify will only update in Kustomer when there is an order create or update event in Shopify.You can search for the following Shopify properties:Billing statusCreated atCustomer tags Order created OrderIDOrder name Order status Order tagsOrder updatedPayment summaryProduct SKUsShipment statusShipping addressShipping cityShipping countryShipping stateShipping zip codeShop nameSpecial instructionsTotal priceTracking numberRelated articles:Integrate with ShopifyShopify timeline layoutShopify Insight CardCancel or refund order items in ShopifyShopify live chat
  • Shopify Live Chat

    The Shopify integration in Kustomer offers a streamlined setup option to install a live chat widget in your Shopify store. This helps you get up and running quickly with sending and receiving messages through Kustomer, without having to manually integrate the Kustomer Chat SDK into your Shopify themes.Who can access this feature?User typesAdmins can access these settings.In this articlePrerequisitesInstall the Live Chat widgetUninstall the widgetPrerequisitesBefore starting this integration, you must have at least one store already set up in Shopify. You should also have the basic Shopify integration set up in Kustomer, per the instructions in Integrate with Shopify.You'll also need to have the Chat channel in Kustomer set up, including its design. Learn how to set this up in Introduction to Kustomer Chat.Install the Live Chat widgetOnce the Shopify app is installed, you can go to the Shopify app settings to set up the live chat integration.Note: This 1-click install adds your existing Kustomer Chat widget to Shopify. All of your Chat settings like its appearance — or whether or not the Chat channel is turned on at all — will apply to your Shopify store, in the very same way that it applies to anywhere else your Chat widget is in use.To install live chat:Go to Apps and select Shopify.Add your Shopify store, if you haven't done so already.In the desired store, locate the Live Chat Widget row and select Install.Note: If Install is greyed out, this means Kustomer's permissions in Shopify need to be updated first. Open the menu and select Refresh permissions. After signing in to Shopify to grant permissions, try installing again.An install popup will appear. If you have multiple brands set up in your organization, you'll be asked to choose the brand you wish to use with this store. You can set up different chat templates for each brand in the Chat settings. Learn more in Multi-brand chat.The widget will go live in your Shopify store as soon as you install it, so make sure you're happy with the appearance before proceeding. If you need to make any changes to your chat theme, use the link to open the Chat settings.When you're ready for the widget to go live, select Install in the popup.The live widget is now installed. You can confirm the status of your installation by looking for the  badge in the Shopify app settings.Uninstall the widgetIf you ever need to fully remove the chat widget from Shopify, you can do this from the Shopify app settings in Kustomer.To uninstall live chat:Go to Apps and select Shopify.Locate and select Edit under the desired store.A popup will appear. If you only want to temporarily turn off the widget, use the Update Chat settings link to open the Chat settings, where you use the Turn on chat toggle to activate or deactivate chat.To fully deactivate the chat widget and remove it from your Shopify store, select Uninstall Chat.The chat widget will be uninstalled from Shopify instantly. Return to the Shopify app settings in Kustomer anytime to turn it back on.
  • Create a Shopify order

    You can create Shopify orders right from Kustomer for existing customers. Once a draft order is created, a Shopify email invoice is sent to your customer with all they need to submit payment and complete their order. To refund or cancel orders see the Cancel or refund orders in Shopify article. Who can access this feature?User typesAgents can create a Shopify order from the timeline if their organization has the Shopify integration set up.In this articlePrerequisitesCreate a draft Shopify order Create a custom itemMark discountsShipping optionsEdit a draft Shopify orderDuplicate a Shopify orderPrerequisitesYou must have a Shopify integration set up with at least one store. See the Integrate with Shopify article.Existing customer(s) with a valid email address(es). Access to Shopify actions for agents set up in Permissions, see the Best practices permission sets article, Shopify actions section.Create a draft Shopify orderCreate a Shopify draft order with any customer timeline open by selecting the Create Order button in the Shopify Insight Card at the bottom.If you have multiple stores, select a store from the dropdown. Search for products to add to the order, select the checkbox next to items, and select Add to Order at the bottom of the menu. Note: Notes or tags may be added to your draft order will be saved in your Shopify system. Create a custom itemCreate a custom item for orders by selecting Add custom item by the Products section header. This will open a form to input details about the custom item. Select Add at the bottom to add the item to your order. Mark discountsTo mark a discount on a particular item in an order, click the tag icon next to the price to open the discount window. You may select a discount type of either a percentage off the item price (for example: input 10 for a 10% discount) or a dollar amount. To mark a discount on the entire order, scroll down to the Payment section and select Add next to the Discount line.Shipping optionsBy default, shipping will be set to Choose later at checkout and the customer will select from shipping options available to them in Shopify. To set Free shipping or a custom shipping cost for this order select Add on the shipping line of the Payment section of the Shopify Insight Card. Once you've made your selection, select Apply.Once your order is filled out, select Create to create the draft order. The order will remain in a draft state and can be viewed in the Draft section of the customer's Shopify Insight Card until payment is marked as completed. Once payment is completed, the order will show in the Orders section. An order can be completed in one of two ways:Select any draft order and select Send Invoice.  You'll verify and submit the customer's email address. This will send the invoice as specified in your Shopify store settings with the order information from Kustomer. The customer will then be able to complete their order by submitting payment in the Shopify portal. Once the customer submits payment, the draft order will be updated and moved to the Orders section.If you are collecting payment outside of Shopify, but still want a record of the completed order in Shopify. Select Mark as Paid. You'll be asked to confirm received payment and can mark the draft order as a paid order. Orders that have payment completed whether by the order link in the customer's email invoice or if Marked as Paid in Kustomer will show in the Orders section of that customer's Shopify Insight Card. Edit a draft Shopify orderDraft orders that have not had payment submitted can be modified. To edit an order, see the Drafts section of the customer's Shopify insight card and select the right-pointing arrow > on the order. This will open a full view of the draft order. At the bottom, click the edit icon. When you have completed making edits, select the Save button at the bottom right. Duplicate a Shopify orderAny order (excluding draft orders) can be duplicated by selecting the right-pointing arrow > on the order. At the bottom of the expanded order will be a Duplicate button they can click to create a new order with all the same information in the selected order. Information in the duplicate can be modified before saving the order. When the order is saved it will be created as a draft order and an invoice can be sent to the customer to complete payment. 
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