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March 2025 releases

Last Update: Mar 2025 • Est. Read Time: 4 MIN
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We’re always working to make our platform better for you. This page highlights new features and improvements on the Kustomer platform, all in one place. Check here regularly to stay up to date with the latest changes.

What's new:

Improvement to multi-party email conversations (March 18)

This release improves the current email experience by showing the actual sender of each email in a conversation, instead of automatically attributing it to the customer whose timeline the conversation appears on.

Note: This update is available for organizations using Postmark for email. You must update your Postmark app to v1.1.18 to see the new behavior. This improvement is not retroactive to emails that were received before the update. This improvement will be available for Gmail conversations in a future release.

If the person sending the email is not a customer in the organization, we will create them as a customer but keep their message in the main conversation.

New ways to hand off conversations to AI Agent teams (March 10)

Note: Updated on March 18 to include the release of the Transfer to AI Agent team interaction.

You can now manually assign conversations from a human agent to an AI Agent from directly within a conversation. This option can be turned on in each AI Agent team's settings page.

We've also improved how AI Agents process handoffs. Now, when an agent @mentions an AI Agent team in a note, the AI Agent will consider all notes where it was mentioned when responding after the handoff.

Additionally, we've released two features that allow you to automate the handoff to an AI Agent team from either a workflow or Customer Assist. This allows you to to benefit from the deterministic rules-based elements of these features in scenarios that require them. For example, to deliver a legally required notification that a call will be recorded and allow callers to opt out, while also allowing for the efficiency gains from AI Agents.

The new Transfer to AI Agent interaction can be used to automate the handoff from a conversational assistant to an AI Agent team.

The new AI Agent Handoff workflow action can trigger an AI Agent handoff, allowing workflows to guide the process before the AI Agent takes over.

In both cases, the AI Agent team must be deployed for the same channel as the assistant. However, the AI Agent will only respond if its own deployment conditions are met at the time of transfer.

Who can access this feature?

These features are available to all clients with access to AI Agent Studio and workflows or Customer Assist.

Expanded support of skills in business rules (March 10)

Conversations can now have skills added or removed via business rules. When creating or editing a business rule, you can choose a new field action to set (add) or clear (remove) a conversation’s skill.

Previously, once a skill was manually removed via the UI, it wouldn’t be re-applied by any automated process—even if the conditions were met again.

Now, if you want to re-add (or remove) a skill automatically, you can do so with a business rule, allowing you to support use-cases where conversations need to be reassigned or re-routed to agents that require the original skillset to resolve the ticket.

Who has access to this feature?

This functionality is available to clients on Ultimate plans with access to skills-based routing. See these articles to learn more about using actions in business rules and routing conversations by skill.

Additional details

  • Skill rules vs. business rules: Skill rules remain unchanged in their default behavior (manual removal stops re-application). However, business rules can override that by actively adding or removing skills as part of your workflow logic.

  • No impact on existing skill rules: Existing skill rules that assign skills upon first inbound interaction still function as before.

Option and multi-level list updates now sync automatically in forms (March 7)

Now, when you add number or single-line text option lists or multi-level list attributes in a knowledge base form, updates to the list values will sync automatically in those forms.

Previously, updating a number or single-line text option or multi-level list didn’t update forms using that attribute. You had to manually remove and re-add the attribute for the changes to appear.

Action required:

If you have existing forms that were created using the visual form builder, you must Update your form to ensure that your latest changes are applied. Future updates to these attributes will sync automatically.

Learn more about forms in this help article.

New search update controls (March 4)

Automatic search updates are now available, giving you greater control over your search configuration. You can now select whether you want your search results to automatically update, or refresh your results manually.

This update is available for all existing clients. For more information, see Refresh your search results.

Default Search API rate limits (March 4)

Clients who access the Search API endpoint will now encounter a default rate limit of 100 requests per minute (RPM). See this page for more information on our rate limits.