Conditions and actions in business rules

Last Update: Mar 2025 • Est. Read Time: 3 MIN
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Business rules contain two sets of data, conditions and actions, that are combined to create if and then statements. Once you set a trigger, you have to define the conditions the rule must meet to perform the action.

In this article:

Business rules conditions

There are two types of conditions – all conditions and any conditions. Conditions set under Match all of the following must all be true for a rule to run. Conditions set under Match any of the following will run if a conversation update matches at least one of the conditions specified.

You can create filter criteria using both Match All and Match Any conditions. If you create conditions using both, all of the criteria set in Match All must be true, and any criteria in Match Any can be true.

Like searches and other parts of the Kustomer platform, you can define criteria at the company, message, conversation, and customer levels. You can also mix and match criteria across each object when creating a business rule.

For more information on available operators, see Understanding filter operators.

Action types

When a new or updated conversation finds a business rule with matching criteria, choose Select Action Type to specify whether you want to change object data, predict data using classification models, send a message, or update a queue.

Note: If your trigger is set to All Updates, the only option available will be Update Data.

Update Data

You can create criteria for the conversation, customer, or company object. For example, on a conversation, you can update attributes, such as User & Team Assignment, Subject, Priority, Skill, Tags, Language, and any custom attributes you've created.

Note: Updating tags for the company object will only be visible via the API.

Predict Data

You can create a business rule that applies one of your classification models to incoming emails so that you can start automating tasks. For more information, see Use classification models with routing. This action is only available if your trigger is set to First Inbound Conversation.

The Predict Data options in the drop-down menu depend on your specific active predictions and may differ from the image.

Send Message

You can also send an email, SMS, or note when a conversation update occurs. This action is not available if your trigger is set to All Updates.

To send an email, enter the following information:

  • Email Template
    The template the message will use. For more information, see Customize email templates.

  • From
    The email address sending the reply.

  • To
    The addresses that receive the reply. The auto-response will always be sent to the original sender's email address. Use the Reply to all checkboxes to customize whether replies are also sent to the To and CC recipients.

  • Message Body The subject line of the message. You can add shortcuts, snippets, and dynamic text to your message, as well as @ mention specific users and teams.

  • To send an SMS, select the phone number where the message will be sent.

You can use the editor to format the text of the message body, and include attachments, shortcuts, and snippets.

Note: Dynamic text like {{conversation.lastMessageIn.preview}} that isn’t a standard or custom attribute in the platform’s UI isn’t supported in business rule message sends. Attempting to use one in a message will result in an empty value.

Queue Updates

You can use business rules to update your queues. The Queue Updates action is only available when your trigger is set to Assigned, First Inbound Interaction, Inbound Interaction, Team Assigned, or Unassigned.

The following options are available:

  • Unset Queue & Unassign User
    Re-runs conversations through your queue rules, ensuring that your business rules are applied to previously queued conversations.

    Note: Unsetting a queue removes the user currently assigned to a conversation.

  • Set Queue & Unassign User 
    Re-queues a conversation when an attribute changes. For example, you can move chat conversations to a new queue when the conversation priority has changed.