Manage your knowledge base

Create a help articles that enable customers to self serve and find a solution to their inquiry.
  • Knowledge base overview

    A knowledge base provides a way to communicate with customers. A well-written knowledge base can educate your customers on how to use your product or guide them through a solution, minimizing the need for them to contact your support team for assistance.Anyone on your team can write the content in your knowledge base, but it usually comes from several contributors who are well-versed in the subject and can provide adequate details on that particular area. Content can range from the ins and outs of your HR or Legal department to how a new product, hardware, or software works. The knowledge base can include FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and any other details a customer may want or need to know to help themselves with your product or service. You can create additional brands with their own unique knowledge base. For more information, see Multi-brand knowledge base.Who can access this feature?User typesContent administrators can access knowledge base settings.In this articleSet up your knowledge baseManage articlesSet up your knowledge baseAs the user, you create content for your knowledge base. Your customers can view this content, which is read-only. You can access all the tools needed to set up your knowledge base from within Kustomer by going to Settings> Knowledge Base. See the following articles for more information on creating and editing articles, creating categories, and more.Create knowledge base articlesOrganize your knowledge base with categoriesConfigure your knowledge baseCreate knowledge base formsCustomize your knowledge base themeManage articlesOnce you start creating articles, you can see your internal and public articles by going to Settings > Knowledge Base > Articles. Here, you can filter your articles by author, category, and status. You can filter your articles by brand if you have multiple brands configured. Each article listed shows its original author and the original date and time that it was created. Articles that reside in a brand will also show that brand's logo as an icon, helping you quickly identify which knowledge base the article is in. To edit an existing article, open it from this page, select Create New Draft, and make the desired edits.
  • Multilingual knowledge base

    The multilingual knowledge base feature in Kustomer allows you to provide help content to your users all over the globe in several different languages. Turning on additional languages for your knowledge base allows you to:Create knowledge base categories in those languages.Create articles in those languages.Allow your customers to view articles in the supported languages.Who can access this feature?User typesContent administrators can access knowledge base settings. Admins can edit Localization settings.In this articleTurn on languages globallyConfigure the languages the knowledge base supportsCreate multilingual knowledge base categoriesCreate multilingual articlesCustomize your theme using snippetsTurn on languages globallyTo create a knowledge base in multiple languages, you must first turn on those languages in the global languages section of the app. You can find this section by going to Settings> Administration > Localization.Select the All tab to see the complete list of all languages that Kustomer supports. To activate a specific language, turn on the Activate toggle for each language. In this example, the default language is set to English, and we are going to turn on Spanish as an additional language.For more information on this page, see Customize localization settings.Configure the languages your knowledge base supportsAfter you’ve activated additional languages in the global localization settings, you can turn on those languages so that customers can view your knowledge base. To do this, go to Settings > Knowledge Base > Configuration. In the page's Default Language & Title section, you can change the default language that customers will see when they go to your help center, and also turn on the additional languages you’d like to support. After turning on each language you want to support in your knowledge base and entering a title for each, select Save Changes. Learn more about this page at Configuring your knowledge base.Create multilingual knowledge base categoriesThe next step is to create knowledge base categories in each of your supported languages. You can do this by going to Settings > Knowledge Base > Categories. Here, you can  can identify which categories are missing different language version, and add the corresponding translations. Each category has a globe icon with a fraction next to it. This represents the number of languages this category contains. Hovering over this icon shows you which languages this category supports. For example, if you have two languages activated in your knowledge base, and have a category in only one of those languages, the fraction says "1/2".To add create a new category, select Add Category. You an also edit an existing category by hovering over the category and selecting Edit Category. Here, you can select any of your activated languages and create categories for them.Note: If you don't select a language version, that category will not exist in that language. For example, let’s say you have an article that's translated in both English and Spanish, and it's in the Ordering & Shipping (English) category. If you don’t have a Spanish translation for that category, then that category and all of the articles and subcategories inside of it will not appear on your Spanish customer-facing knowledge base. However, those articles will still appear in search results.For more information on article categories, see Organize your knowledge base with categories.Create multilingual articlesYou can create multiple language versions of any given article in your knowledge base by selecting the desired language from the Viewing Language drop-down menu. Then, you can create your content in that language, assign it to a category, and publish the article to your knowledge base.You can manage all article details per language. Each separate language instance of an article has its own version history. All published versions of an article are archived per language so you  can go back and view the entire published history of your Spanish article. Additionally, you can easily choose to create a new draft from a previous version if you'd like to revert some content.Note: If an article is not published for a specific language it will not exist in that language's version of your help center. Additionally, if the category (or any accompanying sub-categories) is not translated and the article is published, it can only be found using its direct URL or via your knowledge base search.For more information, see Create knowledge base articles.Customize your theme using snippetsBy default, Kustomer provides a large number of snippets for various elements in your knowledge base that come translated in all of our supported languages, such as the site's navigation text or welcome message. In this example, you can see these translations after you activate any of our supported languages by changing the language for your knowledge base to Spanish.  Notice in the above image that the text underneath the main welcome message wasn't translated since a default snippet isn't available. You can create your snippets to help translate these more custom areas of your knowledge base. For more information on how to create them, see Text snippets.Once you create a snippet for this text, you can insert it while customizing your theme.Tip: Snippets are indicated with purple highlighted text.Now, all the text on your home page translates once you choose Spanish.
  • In-app knowledge base

    The in-app knowledge base enables users to search both public and internal content from within the Kustomer application. Users can also send public articles to end users through conversations.Who can access this feature?User typesContent Admins and above can create articles and categories. All users have access to the in-app knowledge base.In this articleTurn on your in-app knowledge baseUse the knowledge base flyoutPublic vs internal articlesSend public knowledge base links to customersAdd links to other internal articlesTurn on the in-app knowledge baseYou’ll need to turn on the in-app knowledge base for it to appear for users.Go to Settings > Knowledge Base > Configuration.Turn on the toggle for In-App KB icon.Select Save Changes.Use the knowledge baseSelect Knowledge basein the sidebar in Kustomer.Use the search bar to look for articles by name. This will search for both public and internal articles. You can also search for articles by selecting categories.Select Expandto view the article in a bigger window..Note: The in-app knowledge base will default to the user's language, and for articles that may not be translated into that language, we will default to the knowledge base default language. Public vs internal articles & categoriesYou can search for two types of articles directly in the in-app knowledge base:Public categories and articles are available to end-users via your public knowledge base ( categories and articles are only available for users within the Kustomer application. This is designed to allow you to create private information for your users that you don’t want end users to see. You can manage which teams and users can access specific internal articles when editing an article. For more information, see Set permissions on an internal article.Send public knowledge base links to customersThere are two ways that you can send public articles to customers as links:You can copy the article URL to your clipboard and paste it into a conversation by selecting Copy link .If you have a conversation open you can select the Paste article linkto place the URL where your curser is.Note: Changing or editing the shortlink will break the redirect to your knowledge base article.Add links to other internal articlesYou can add links in an internal article that reference other internal articles.Create a new draft of the internal article to which you are adding the link.Select Knowledge Base, go to the Internal tab, and search for the article you want to reference.Select Copy link .Insert the link as you normally would.Select Publish Now and then select Yes to confirm the action.Now, when you view the internal article again, you have two ways to view its content and open the referenced link:Select the article and click the link to open the referenced article within in-app knowledge base.Select theicon to open the article in a new tab.
  • Multi-brand knowledge base

    You can create and manage an individual knowledge base for each brand under your Kustomer organization. Customize the knowledge base articles, categories, configuration, forms, and themes to create a distinct customer experience for each brand.You can also publish shared content and articles across your brands to streamline content and knowledge base management.Learn how to create and configure a knowledge base for a new brand and how to customize your multi-brand knowledge base.To learn more about creating new brands under your organization, see Create and manage multiple brands in Kustomer.Who can access this feature?User typesContent administrators can access knowledge base settings. Admins can create additional brands.In this article:Configure the knowledge base for a brandCustomize multi-brand knowledge base settingsConfigure the knowledge base for a brandKustomer supports multi-brand features for the knowledge base. When you create a new brand in Kustomer, you can create and configure the knowledge base for that brand.To configure the knowledge base for a brand:Go to Settings  > Administration > Brands.Select Edit for the new brand to open the Edit Brand page.On the Edit Brand page, select Create KB to configure the subdomain for the knowledge base.Enter a unique name for the knowledge base subdomain to be used as the address of the knowledge base. Use alphanumeric characters and hyphens only. The maximum limit is 63 characters.Select Create KB to save the knowledge base subdomain and create the knowledge base for the brand.After you create a knowledge base for a brand, you can configure the knowledge base from the Edit Brand page. You can select each option to customize the knowledge base further.Customize multi-brand knowledge base settingsLearn how to customize your multi-brand knowledge base further with the following:Create knowledge base articlesOrganize your knowledge base with categoriesCustomize your knowledge base theme
  • Organize your knowledge base with categories

    Categories are a system for grouping and referencing articles, and let you organize the content in your knowledge base in a way that makes sense to your customers. Your articles can exist in more than one category. If you have multiple brands in your organization, you can have the same article appear across the knowledge base for each brand.Who can access this feature?User typesContent administrators can access knowledge base settings.In this articleCreate a knowledge base categoryEdit an existing categoryDelete an existing categoryAdd a category iconCreate a knowledge base categoryYou can create up to 100 categories for your knowledge base.To create a category:Go to Settings > Knowledge Base > Categories.If you have more than one brand configured, select the brand for which you are creating the category from the drop-down menu. By default, your default brand is shown.Select Add Category.Enter a name for a parent category. By default, the URL slug will be the same name you enter. You can change this, if needed.When creating categories, make sure to pick category names that mean something to your customers. For example, you can name a parent categories by area, such as Ordering & Shipping.Optionally, enter a description.If you have any other languages turned on for your org, select the additional languages that the category will be shown in.Select Create. The new category will appear in the Categories page.Note: All categories will remain in draft form until you publish them.To add a subcategory, select the Add Category icon next to the category you want to nest it under.When creating subcategory, consider how your customers will search for content. You can organize your subcategories by customer action, such as Shipping & Handling. Using that example, the Ordering & Shipping category will contain all of the articles that provide information on topics such as shipping & handling and payment options.To view all subcategories that are nested under a parent, select < next to the category name.Tip: You can easily tell if a category has subcategories by the color of the folder. A category with a blue folder icon indicates there are subcategories nested under it.You can change the order that both parent and subcategories appear by dragging and dropping the category to its new location. You can also move articles from one category to another.Notes: You can not drag a subcategory outside of its parent category.If you have implemented custom sorting via your theme, such as sorting by date, changes in these settings will not occur.Once you have created all of your categories, select Publish All Updates. You can now add articles to any of these categories. For more information, see Add articles to brands and categories.Edit an existing categoryNavigate back to the Categories page. If you have more than one brand configured, select the brand for the categories you want to edit. Hover over the category or subcategory you want to edit and select Edit Category .Enter your desired changes and select Update and then select Publish All Updates.Delete an existing categoryNavigate back to the Categories page. If you have more than one brand configured, select the brand for the categories you want to delete. Hover over the category or subcategory you want to edit and select Delete Category .Select Delete and then select Publish All Updates.Note: Deleting a category also deletes its subcategories.Add a category iconYou can add icons to each of your categories to help your users better distinguish between them. The category icons will be visible on your knowledge base home page.Hover over the category or subcategory you want to add an icon to and select Edit Category .Select the Category Icon tab.Select Upload and then either drag and drop an image to the uploader or choose Select File to upload an image file. The recommended image height and width is 200px and the following image file types are supported: PNG, JPG, and GIF.You can use the bar underneath the uploaded photo to zoom in and out of the image to better fit the upload area.Select Update Photo. The icon now appears in the category grid on your knowledge base.
  • Add a custom knowledge base domain

    Your Kustomer knowledge base comes hosted on an internal URL ( provided by us. You can use a branded domain, such as,, to provide a better experience for your users, and help your Knowledge Base content rank higher in search engines. Domains can be purchased from organizations like GoDaddy, 1&1,, or You will retain full control and ownership of your domain while it is pointed to your Kustomer knowledge base. We automatically provision an SSL certificate for the domain, so you do not need to bring your own.Who can access this feature?User typesAdmins and content administrators have access to knowledge base configuration settings.In this articleAdd your custom domainObtain your certificateReset or delete your custom domainUpdate your DNSAdd your custom domainTo add your custom domain in Kustomer:Go to Settings  > Knowledge Base > Configuration.Select the brand you are configuring the custom domain for from the drop-down menu.Enter your domain as you have provisioned it from the domain provider. Ensure the proper spelling so that you do not have to start the certification process over. Please note, you should not enter the primary domain of your website and instead use a branded subdomain such as Add to start the certification process.Obtain your certificateThe certification process starts once you've added your domain. The Certification box will appear below your domain and provide you with the required CNAME information you need. This information will need to be added to your domain in whichever provider you used to provision it.You may see the following status codes once this process starts:Pending Validation - Our system is creating the proper CNAME information for your Knowledge Base brand.Issued - Our system has provisioned the proper CNAME information and it is now available to you.Failed - Our system was unable to provision the information for you. You will need to delete your domain and try again.Inactive ExpiredValidation Timed outRevokedReset or delete your custom domainYou can reset the domain certificate or completely remove your custom knowledge base domain directly from within Kustomer by selecting the desired action. You can only reset a custom domain if the certification approval status is one of the following states:Pending ValidationFailedInactive ExpiredValidation Timed outRevokedNote: You can not reset a domain certificate once it's been issued. The only option will be to delete it from Kustomer.After you reset or delete your domain, select Confirm in the confirmation window that opens.Update your DNSOnce your certification is issued, you can navigate to the DNS tab in the same table. The information in this table is what you will use to redirect your custom domain to Kustomer. Copy the Record field, which will be a URL.Log in to your custom domain's settings page. Update your domain's DNS by replacing the CNAME record with the above URL. You can find instructions on how to set up redirects for providers such as, and, here.Once that is complete, you will see the following statuses:Deployed - You have successfully connected your domainIn Progress - Our system is still verifying the correct setupThis is the final part of the setup and it may take up to 72 hours for your domain to propagate your knowledge base content.Note: If you encounter any issues configuring or validating your custom knowledge base domain, check out our help article Domain validation flow and troubleshooting.
  • Knowledge base deflection in email

     With knowledge base email deflection, you can set up an auto response message that acknowledges receipt of a customer's email, and also recommends up to 3 articles that can help answer their question without them having to wait for an agent reply. This can help encourage your customers to self serve and solve their own support request, allowing your agents to focus on more urgent matters.Who can access this feature?User typesContent administrators can access knowledge base settings. Admins can create business rules.In this articleSet up your auto response emailUpdate your theme filesSet up your auto response emailUsing a business rule template, you can quickly set up your auto response email with email deflection.Note: If your Kustomer org is multilingual, make sure your NLP workflow is setting the Lang. value on conversations. For more information, see Automatic Language Detection.To set up your auto response email:Go to Settings> Platform > Business Rules.Select the Acknowledgement auto-response template.Edit the name of the template to help you distinguish it from other auto reply templates. For this example, we will name it Auto response with deflection.In the Set Actions section, select the email address the response will come from using the From drop-down menu.Optionally, if you have a specific template you want to use, select it from the Email Template drop-down menu. Edit the message body, as needed. Select Snippets & Dynamic Text and then select the Dynamic Text tab. Add the {{kbarticle.deflection.actions}}  field to your message. Using this field will reply to the sender with 3 suggested articles that match their inquiry. Each suggested article will ask the sender if the article was helpful and have an action to close the request.In the message body, select {{kbarticle.deflection.actions}} and enter fallback text. This will be what is rendered in the auto response email if there are no articles found that match their inquiry. For example, you can enter "We're sorry, no articles were found."Select Save Changes.Make sure the business rule is enabled by turning on the toggle, if not already enabled.Agents can see the articles that were presented to the customer in the email conversation and whether or not the deflection was successful. Articles shown with a blue icon indicate that the article was read.Update your theme filesIf you are using a custom theme for your knowledge base, you need to update your theme files in order to use email deflection.Note: If you are using the default theme, you do not need to follow these steps. The files will be automatically updated with these changes.To update your custom article.jsx file:Go to Settings> Knowledge Base > Themes.Select the custom theme you are using with your knowledge base.Select your custom article.jsx file.Copy and save all of the code from your article.jsx file into a text editor.Return to the Themes page and select the Default Theme.Select the article.jsx file in the Default Theme and copy all of the code from this file.Return to your custom theme and select the article.jsx file.Select and delete all of the code in your custom article.jsx file. Then, paste all of the code you just copied from the default theme into your file.Now, copy all of your original code from the text editor (step 5).Find the line of code for return and paste all of the code you just copied from the text editor after  return (.Note: In this image, you can find return ( on line 99. This may not be the same in your custom file. Also, please note that you are replacing the code that currently comes after return( with the code you just copied from the text editor.Finally, find the </main> line and enter this line before it:{this.renderDeflectionPrompt()}Your file should resemble the following:Select Save.To update your custom form.css file:In your custom theme, select form.css.Copy and paste the following block of code in your file:/*  ============================== Deflection ============================== */ .form-deflection-prompt-container { position: fixed; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; border: solid 1px #dbdadf; background-color: #f9fafc; padding: 15px; font-size: 16px; } .form-deflection-prompt-text {     margin-right: 40px; } .form-modal-success-icon, .form-deflection-success-icon {     display: flex; justify-content: center; color: #80ce69; font-size: 30px; } .form-deflection-item-article-cta-button { font-size: 16px; padding: 10px 30px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #2e96cd; color: white; } .form-deflection-item-article-cta-button:hover { cursor: pointer; }Select Save.Now, if a customer sends an email and it matches any of your knowledge base articles, the auto response they receive will also include articles that can help answer their question faster.
  • Configure your knowledge base

    Your knowledge base is a way for you to offer articles for your customer that educate them on how to use your product or find an answer to one of their questions, without them having to contact your support team for assistance. You can configure global settings for your knowledge base through the Configuration page.Who can access this feature?User typesContent administrators can access knowledge base settings.In this article:Use a custom domainSet a theme for your knowledge baseTurn off search engine indexingUpload a company logo and faviconTurn on your in-app knowledge baseSet your KB's default language and homepage titleVerify your sitemapTo access the Configuration page, go to Settings > Knowledge Base > Configuration.Note: If you have more than one brand configured, specify the brand you want to configure by selecting it from the Brand drop-down menu.Once you make your changes, select Save Changes.Use a custom domainYou can use a custom branded domain for your knowledge base instead of URL provided by Kustomer. For more information on how to do this, see Add a custom knowledge base domain.Set a theme for your knowledge baseOnce you have created a theme, you need to select the theme your knowledge base will use. If you do not select a specific theme, our system sets the default theme as the active theme for your knowledge base, regardless of whether or not you have configured multiple brands.To set a theme for your knowledge base, select it from the Theme drop-down menu and then select Save Changes.Your theme is now applied to your knowledge base and all changes can be viewed immediately.Turn off search engine indexing If you don't want your knowledge base to be indexed by search engines like Google and Bing, you can apply "No-Index" meta tags using the Disable Search Engine Indexing setting. This is turned off by default, which means search engines can index your site until you specify otherwise. Turn on the Disable Search Engine Indexing setting so that search engines do not index your knowledge base.Upload a company logo and faviconYou can upload a company logo and favicon for each knowledge base brand in your organization. To do so, select Upload for the image you want to upload and then either drag and drop an image in the media uploaded, or select a file from your computer. Supported image file types are PNG, JPG, and GIF.Company logo - Shown in the upper-left corner of your knowledge base. The recommended image size is 40px height and a maximum of 250px width.Favicon - Shown in a browser tab and is a great way to reinforce your brand and make it easier for users to find your page in their browser or bookmarks. The recommended image height and width is 16px.Turn on your in-app knowledge baseIf turned on, agents have access to an internal knowledge base where they can search for both public and internal articles without leaving the Kustomer app. For more information, see Internal knowledge base.Set your KB's default language and homepage titleYour knowledge base's language is English by default. You can change this to any language enabled in your Kustomer org by selecting it from the Default Language drop-down menu. Note: The language in which the knowledge base is shown is dependent on both the default language set here and your visitor's browser language settings. For example, if you set the default language to French and a visitor has their browser set to English, they will see your knowledge base in English. The knowledge base is shown in French if that visitor also has their browser set to French.You can also set the home page title next to your favicon. By default, this is your knowledge base domain address. To customize this, enter a new name in the Default Homepage Title box.If your knowledge base supports multiple languages, you can select them from the list and enter a different title for each available language. That way, if your visitor switches the language for the page, the title also changes to that language. This example shows the title when a visitor is viewing your knowledge base in Spanish.Verify your sitemapYou can submit your knowledge base's sitemap to Google to help it better identify the various parts of your site to better optimize its SEO.Log in to the Google search console.Validate your ownership of your org's knowledge base site.In the search console, copy the HTML tag.In Kustomer, go to Settings and select Knowledge Base > Configuration.Select Add in the Sitemap Verification section and paste the HTML tag in the provided field.Select Save Changes.
  • Article feedback survey

    Help articles can educate your customers on how to use your product or guide them through a solution, minimizing the need for them to contact your support team for assistance. You can set up article feedback surveys for your knowledge base to enable customers to provide feedback that helps improve your knowledge base articles and reduce any information gaps that may exist.Who can access this feature?User typesContent administrators can access knowledge base settings.In this articleTurn on article feedbackAdd additional feedback responsesCustomize confirmation messagesModify your theme files for article surveysTurn on article feedbackGo to Settings> Knowledge base > Configuration.Select the Article Feedback tab.Select the Turn on Feedback checkbox and then select Save Changes.Once the feature is turned on, your articles will display the default feedback prompts at the bottom of the article.Add additional feedback responsesOptionally, you can collect additional information from customers by providing them with pre-written responses they can choose from or a text field where they can manually enter feedback.Suggested ReasonsYou can create up to 5 quick responses your users can choose from while answering your survey by selecting the Suggested Reasons checkbox. Here, you can edit the example question and response, or select Add Reason to add up to 4 additional responses your customers can choose from in the survey. Written FeedbackYou can also provide a text field for users to enter their feedback by selecting the Written Feedback checkbox. The sample phrase that comes pre-written in the box is the prompt your users will see for the field. The limit for the user's response is 350 characters.Customize confirmation messagesYour customer will see a message confirming that their feedback was submitted. These message are different between positive or negative feedback. Modify your theme files for article surveysExisting knowledge bases that were created before the Midtown 2.0 theme was released may need to modify their theme in order for article surveys to display properly. To add the template to your theme, see Upgrade your theme version to 1.0.6.
  • Knowledge base domain validation flow and troubleshooting

    Setting up a custom domain for your branded knowledge base can be a useful tool to help your customers self-serve and find answers for their most common questions. Setting up a knowledge base with your custom domain can usually be completed in a few short steps. However, if you encounter issues with this process, this article will demonstrate how to troubleshoot the domain validation flow.Who can access this feature?User typesContent administrators can access the Knowledge Base Configurations page.In this articleTerms to knowObtain your SSL certificateStuck in pending validationCertificate Authority Authentication (CAA) errorsUpdate your DNSTerms to knowDNS: Domain Name System. Maps a domain name (URL) to the IP address a website is hosted on.SSL certificate: Secure Sockets Layer certificate. This is a security certificate that Kustomer gives so that we have access to create a redirect record.CNAME: Canonical Name. Maps one domain name to another. In the context of a Kustomer implementation, this maps a redirect record to the Kustomer organization's custom domain.Obtain your SSL certificateFirst, open the Kustomer settings to access your Knowledge Base configuration. This article will walk through an example of CNAME setup using an example domain to Settings and select Knowledge Base > Configuration.In the General tab, go to the Knowledge Base Domains section.Add your domain to the field provided, and select Add.When the CNAME record appears in the Certificate Approval table, a new CNAME record will need to be added to the domain, with the Host and Record matching what is in the UI. This step generates an SSL certificate, which lets AWS know it has permission to create a new redirect URL. Once the CNAME has been added, the DNS Activation step is started.The following statuses can show in step 1 with a description of what they mean:Pending Validation - Our system is creating the proper CNAME information for your Knowledge Base brand.Issued - Our system has provisioned the proper CNAME information and it is now available to you.Failed - Our system was unable to provision the information for you. You will need to delete your domain and try again.Inactive - the CNAME has been added to an inactive domain.Expired - The CNAME record from step 1 was deleted, or the expiration emails from AWS were never acted upon.Validation Timed out - The CNAME record was not added within 72 hours of being created in Kustomer.Revoked - Access was revoked on the Kustomer engineering side.Stuck in pending validationIf issuing an SSL certificate gets stuck in Pending Validation, or it has failed entirely, a good place to start troubleshooting is to use this website: DNS Lookup ToolOn the DNS Lookup Tool site, select CNAME and paste the Host name from the Certificate Approval table. Following the example shown in the earlier screenshot, this Host name would be Check that the Canonical Name column matches the Record listed in the Kustomer settings: the CNAME does not match, then a new CNAME record needs to be created that matches exactly what is shown in the Kustomer settings.If the CNAME doesn't exist, then you'll need to create a CNAME record using the information from the Certificate Approval table.Certificate Authority Authentication (CAA) errorsValidation errors can also occur if your domain provider has strict guidelines around Certificate Authority Authentication (CAA). If this is the case, your settings will need to be updated to allow Amazon Web Services (AWS) to create an SSL certificate for you. Learn more in AWS: How do I resolve CAA errors for issuing or renewing an ACM certificate?Update your DNSWhen the DNS Activation is deployed, you will need to create another CNAME record that matches the Host and Record shown in the Kustomer settings.In the example shown above, this step acts as the bridge between and When a user navigates to in their address bar, they are taken to the record link which points to there are issues with DNS activation, you can use the same  DNS Lookup Tool to help troubleshoot.Select CNAME and then paste in the Host name shown in DNS Activation, which in this case is Make sure the record matches what is shown in the UI, the Canonical Name does not match the URL in the UI, then you will need to delete the CNAME record you already have for your support domain and create a new one with the information listed in the Kustomer settings.The most common problem with DNS Activation is that users already have a CNAME mapped from another service, which hasn't been deleted yet. Since CNAME records can only point to one URL, you will need to delete the previous one before moving forward.After DNS Activation has been completed and deployed, the changes may take a few hours to take effect. Once this propagates, your knowledge base will show up on your custom domain.
  • Add anchor links in a help article

    You can add links, or anchor tags, to jump to other sections of the same knowledge base article. This makes it easier to cross-reference information in an article and guide users to relevant information.Who can access this feature?User typesContent administrators can create and edit articles.In this articleAdd the anchor name as a URLAdd the anchor text to a headingAdd the anchor name as a URLFirst, add the anchor name you want to use as a URL in the text you want users to select to jump to another section of the article.Highlight the text you want to make a link and select Insert Link.Add the anchor name you want to use in the following format: #anchor-name. In this example, we will use #heading.Add the anchor text to a headingNext, add the anchor name you just created after the tag in the section you want to link to. You can do this for paragraphs or headers. While editing an article, switch to Code View  .Add id ="anchor-name" after the tag. In this example, we will add it to this section's header <h3> tag and use heading as the link.Switch to the visual editor by selecting Code View  again to save your changes.Now, when users click on the link you created, the article will jump to the related section.
  • Best practices for writing articles for AI

    A knowledge base provides a way to communicate with customers. A well-written knowledge base will educate customers and guide them through a solution, minimizing the need for them to contact your support team for assistance. Kustomer's AI features can use the information in your knowledge base to respond to customer inquiries.For more information on how AI can use your content to respond to customers, see these articles:Use AI to respond to customer inquiriesGenerate a responseWho can access this feature?User typesContent administrators can access knowledge base settings.In this articleIdentify your customer's needsCreate content for your knowledge baseKeep existing content up to dateBe brief and conciseExplicitly state informationIdentify your customer's needsOrganizing your knowledge base into clear, distinct articles addressing frequently asked questions greatly improves usability and ensures that the AI can answer what your customers need. To figure out what your customers are asking, you can review:Conversation history.The Deflection report to view the search queries customers are entering.The Knowledge Base report to view comments and questions customers are leaving as feedback for an article.Create content for your knowledge baseOnce you identify the topics you want to cover in your articles, follow these tips to start creating articles:Make sure the article includes both the question and the answer - State the question clearly in the title, and develop the answer in the article body.The article title is the main point of the article and should contain keywords related to its content.Article titles should be short.Use subheadings to organize the rest of your content in the article.Focus on a single topic - Each article should address one question or problem. This makes it easier for customers and AI systems to find precise answers.Give direct answers - Provide a direct answer at the beginning of the article, followed by any necessary details throughout the rest of the article.Have a consistent structure - Your articles should all follow a similar format. This improves readability and helps customers know what to expect.Keep existing content up to dateKeeping your knowledge base up-to-date with the latest and most relevant information is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure your customers are always getting the most helpful information.You can use the Knowledge Base report to view when articles were last updated and find the ones that may contain outdated information.Be brief and conciseIt's crucial to prioritize clarity and brevity in your help articles. Both customers and AI systems benefit from clear content that gets straight to the point. Eliminate redundancy - Avoid repeating information. Each sentence should add value.Use simple language—Choose straightforward words and phrases instead of complex jargon. This helps ensure that the article is understandable to a broader audience.Break down information - Use bullet points, numbered lists, and short paragraphs to make the content easier to scan.Use tables where necessary to help explain concepts - While our AI systems cannot use images to provide answers, information found in tables can be. Tables are especially helpful when comparing features or summarizing data. Explicitly state informationExplicitly stating all relevant information helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that both customers and AI systems can accurately interpret the content. When writing content:Avoid assumptions - Do not assume the reader has prior knowledge of the feature or product. Explain all terms and concepts clearly.Provide examples - Use specific examples to illustrate complex ideas or procedures.Make sure instructions are clear - Include step-by-step procedures, where applicable. Provide detailed instructions to help reduce errors or confusion.Tip: When policies or answers vary by region, highlight the key differences in your article. For example, you can say "We accept returns made in the 48 contiguous states up to 30 days after purchase. For orders placed in Canada, you have up to 45 days to return the item."
  • Video: Customize your knowledge base

    See how you can customize your knowledge base with a custom theme. 
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