Conversational assistant volume control settings

Last Update: Sep 2024 • Est. Read Time: 3 MIN
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Volume control settings allow you to automate how a conversational assistant responds to abandoned conversations and missed customer messages sent outside your regular chat hours. In your volume control settings, you can configure how the assistant responds when the customer abandons the conversation and when the agent misses a customer message over chat, SMS, or WhatsApp.

In this article

To access Volume Control settings, create a new assistant or select an existing one, go to the bottom of the Dialogs sidebar and select Assistant Settings > Volume Control.

Inactive customer reminder

Turn this setting on to prompt the customer to respond to the assistant's last message if they haven't responded in the specified time. After the reminder is sent, the assistant will resend the last message sent before the customer went inactive.

You can configure the following:

  • Remind customer to respond after: The amount of time (in minutes) for a customer to be inactive before the assistant sends the reminder message. The default amount of time is 5 minutes.
  • Reminder message: The message to send to the customer to remind them to respond to the last message that was sent. For example, "Are you there?".

If using Kustomer Voice, this setting will automatically route the call to an agent if the customer fails to respond after the specified number of prompts, which repeat every 10 seconds.

Customer abandoned conversation (available for chat, WhatsApp, and SMS)

Automatically end the conversation if a customer hasn’t responded after a set time. 

Tip: Turn on this setting to prevent agent routing for abandoned conversations.

You can configure the following:

  • Abandon conversation after: The amount of time (in minutes) to wait for a customer response before the assistant ends the conversation. If the customer does not respond to the conversation within the set time, the assistant sends the customer the set Abandon Conversation Message and ends the conversation. The default amount of time is 10 minutes.

    Note: If you have Inactive customer reminder also turned on, the timer for this setting must be higher than the time set for the reminder message.

  • Abandon conversation message: The message to send to the customer when the conversation has been abandoned. For example, "This conversation has ended because you've been inactive for 10 minutes".

Agent missed conversation (only available for chat)

Automatically offer the customer an alternate support reply channel, or contact method, if an agent hasn’t been assigned to the conversation or first responded in the chat after a set amount of time. Choose which follow-up channels to offer to customers for missed messages.

Note: This setting does not apply to chats after a human user responds first. It is also not supported by an SMS or WhatsApp assistant. 

Tip: You can create a search for missed chats from customers who select an alternate follow-up channel. To triage or search for missed chats from the assistant chat automation, set a filter with the following search criteria: Conversation (Type) > Assistant Status (Property) > is equal to (Operator) > Missed.
Search criteria for missed chats from chat assistant.

You can configure the following:

  • Missed conversation after: The amount of time (in minutes) to wait for an agent's response or for an agent to be assigned to the conversation before the assistant ends the chat. If the agent is not assigned to the chat or does not respond within the set time, the assistant sends the customer a request to select an alternate follow-up method and ends the chat. The default amount of time is 10 minutes.

  • Missed conversation message: The message to send to the customer when an agent hasn’t been assigned or responded in the set amount of time. For example, "Sorry, it looks like no one has become available in the expected time. Please select an alternate contact method so we can follow up with you."

  • Configure missed conversations follow-up channels: The available channels the customer can select for follow-up messages from an agent for missed chats. Selected channels will appear as options for the customer after the Missed conversation message.

    The follow-up channels available on this list depend on the channels installed in your organization. You can select and configure from the following:
    • Email channel
    • Phone channel
    • SMS/Text Message channel
    • WhatsApp channel

      Note: Phone, SMS, and WhatsApp numbers must include all country and regional codes. For example +19171234567

    • I'll wait: Allow the customer to stay on the chat and wait for an agent to reply.
    • Mark conversation done if a channel isn't selected after: Automatically mark the conversation done in Kustomer if the customer does not select a follow-up channel in the set amount of time (in seconds). The default amount of time is 30 seconds.