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Work item attributes

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Work items are objects that are routed in the routing system. They have a weight and priority, and they belong to a queue. Work-items hold a relationship to the Conversation object; they track the state of work for a conversation. It includes the current status and assignment of a conversation and is used by the router to feed work to a user. A work item is created for every open conversation and represent the cycle from creation to a completed state. A single conversation can have multiple work items. 

This article lists the available attributes for work items.

channelStringDenormed channel from the conversation
completedAtDateDate the item got to a completed status. An item is completed once the conversation is marked done.
createdAtDateTimestamp of when this work item was created

Used in metric: Current Conversation Statuses, Total Conversations (Queue)
firstEnterQueueAtDateTime of first queued state

Used in metric: Total Conversations (Queue)
handleObjectTime from when the conversation is assigned to an agent to when it enters wrap-up or is completed (whichever comes first)
handle.businessTimeNumberTime within business hours handled (time from assignment until completed or wrap-up)

Used in metric: Average Handle Time (Queue
handle.timeNumberTime handled (time from assignment until completed or wrap-up)
itemSizeNumberItem weight denormed from the queue
ivrObjectTime between conversation create or re-open to the time the item gets queued
ivr.businessTimeNumberTime within business hours spent in ivr state
ivr.enteredAtDateEntered the ivr state
ivr.timeNumberTime spent in ivr state
lastRevision.acceptedAtDateDate the item was accepted (routed to a user and accepted by the user)

Used in metric: Longest Wait, Latest Wait, Average Wait, Average Handle Time, Max Weight Time, Average Queue Time (Queue)
lastRevision.enteredQueueAtDateTime the item entered a queue
StringExternal queue assigned to this item. This is only relevant for customers using the Amazon-connect voice integration.
DateDate of the last rejection (routed to a user and declined by the user)
DateDate of the last timeout (routed to a user and the user didn't accept it in time and it timed out)
NumberTime within business hours spent in queued state

Used in metric: Max Wait Time, Average Queue Time (Queue)
NumberTime spent in queued state

Used in metric: Longest Wait, Average Wait (Queue)
DateDate the item was routed to a user
BooleanRouted to a user and the user didn't accept it in time and it timed out
modifiedAtDateTimestamp of when this work item was last modified
pausedBooleanWhether or not this conversation is paused. Currently maps to snoozed state in conversation. 
priorityNumberPriority of the item denormed from the queue
queuedCountNumberNumber of times it has entered a queued state
StringID of the user that the work item was accepted by
ID of the user that the work item was assigned by
ID of the user that the work item was assigned to
ID of the user that the work item was rejected by
ID of the user that the work item was timed out by
ID of the user that the work item was modified by
ID of the queue that was used on the last revision
Resource ID (conversation ID) that the work item relates to
Resource type that the work item relates to. Currently this is always conversation.
StringID of the team the user assigned to the work item belongs to
resourceTypeStringResource being worked on. Currently this is always conversation.

Used in metric: Total Conversations (Queue)
revNumberRevision number of this work item (counts up in order)
statusString enumCurrent status that this work session is in. Will be one of ivr, queued, routed, assigned, wrap-up, completed
Used in metric: Current Conversation Statuses, Total Conversations, Conversations per Available Agent (Queue)
updatedAtDateTimestamp of when this work item was last updated
wrapUpObjectA work item goes into wrap-up when it is ended by the customer or agent but the required fields have not been completed yet. 
wrapUp.businessTimeNumberTime within business hours spent in wrap-up state

Used in metric: Wrap-Up Time Total, Wrap-Up Time Average (Queue)
wrapUp.enteredAtDateTime the item entered the wrap-up state

Used in metric: Wrap-Up Time Total, Wrap-Up Time Average (Queue)
NumberTime the item spent in wrap-up state