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Conversation report

Last Update: Mar 2025 • Est. Read Time: 4 MIN
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The Conversation report provides information that helps you understand how quickly agents respond to customer inquiries and how much time they spend resolving customer issues.

Who can access this feature?
User typesManagers or users with custom permission set access to reporting can access this feature.

In this article:

To access the Conversation report, select Reporting, and then select Conversation.

Conversation report metrics

The report shows four metrics that let you quickly see how your conversations are performing.

The following metrics are shown:

  • Average First Response
    Average amount of time between the first inbound message and an agent's reply to that message on a conversation.

  • Average First Resolution
    Average amount of time between the initial inbound message and the first time a conversation is marked done.

    Note: This metric includes snoozed time.

    First Resolution Time in Business Hours = First Resolution Abs Time - First Inbound Message Abs Time - Time outside of Business Hours

    Average First Resolution = AVERAGE(First Resolution Time in Business Hours) / Relevant Conversations
    • First Resolution Abs Time = Timestamp of the of the first instance of the conversation being marked done
    • First Inbound Message Abs Time = Timestamp of the initial inbound message
    • Relevant Conversations = Count of conversations that have an initial mark done event within the time duration

  • First Contact Resolution Rate
    Inbound conversations first marked done in this period, that are currently in a done status, contain at least one message and have never been reopened or merged over total inbound conversations first marked done in this period that contain at least one message and have never been merged.

    First Contact Resolution Percentage = (Conversations First Contact Resolved / Conversations With Responses) * 100
    • Conversations With Responses = Count of conversations that have outbound messages within the time duration.
    • Conversations First Contact Resolved = Inbound conversations first marked done in this time duration, that are currently in a done status, contain at least one message, and have never been reopened or merged.

  • Average Handle Time
    Cumulative amount of time spent by all users viewing all conversations, divided by the total count of conversations viewed. Viewing is defined as the time between a conversation object open event and a conversation object close event on a timeline.

    Note: Handle time metrics do not consider conversation status, so viewing conversations marked "Done" will count towards this metric. Additionally if the same conversation is opened by an individual agent across multiple windows or tabs, each will have their own unique view events that will be included in the calculation.

    Average Conversation Handle Time = Total Conversation Handle Time / Total Conversation Count
    • Total Conversation Handle Time = Cumulative time that all conversations in the organization have been expanded within the application
    • Total Conversation Count = Count of unique conversations that have been expanded

Resolution Time chart

This chart shows the average time between creating a conversation and marking it done.

The following metrics are available:

  • First Marked Done
    Time until the conversation was marked done the very first time. 

  • Last Marked Done
    Last (most recent) time a conversation was marked done.

Response Time chart

This chart shows the average duration between the conversation being created and the first reply to that message.

The following metrics are available:

  • Average Response Time
    Average duration of time from the creation of any inbound message to an outbound reply of that message.
  • Average First Response Time
    Average duration of time from the first inbound messages creation to the first reply.

Average Inbound Messages per Hour heatmap

This heatmap shows when your team receives the most inbound messages, on average for a given day & time, color coded from light to dark blue, with darker shades indicating higher volume. Each individual cell represents a respective day/time breakdown, averaged out across all instances of that day/time combination throughout the selected date range.

By default, the chart shows all inbound messages across all teams. When filtering by an individual team, the values coincide with inbound messages that were sent to respective conversations while they were assigned to the given team.

You can also filter the chart by any of the following channels:

  • All channels
  • Emails
  • SMS
  • Chat
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Voice

Top Shortcuts Used table

This table lists the shortcuts used within the selected date range and the number of times they were used during that time period.

The following columns are available:

  • Shortcut title
    Name of the shortcut.

  • Total usage
    How many times the shortcut was used in the selected date range.

Metric calculations

Below you'll find descriptions of the calculations for each metric including the attributes used in their formation. These can be beneficial when rebuilding standard report metrics in your custom reports or referenced when building metrics or performing analysis outside the Kustomer platform with data sourced from our API's or data services, such as Kinesis.

The Date Anchor is the attribute linked to the date range picker in each report's header that determines whether or not any objects that fit the calculation criteria will appear in your chart or table.

Date Anchor
Avg First Response Timeaverage of conversation.firstResponse.businessTime
Avg First Resolution Timeaverage of conversation.firstDone.businessTime
First Contact Resolution Ratedistinct with status: ‘done’ and direction: ‘in’ with a messageCount greater than 0, which also do not have a reopenCount greater than 0 and also has not been merged (mergedTarget: `false` or mergedTarget field does not exist), divided by distinct , multiplied by 100.conversation.firstDone.createdAt
Avg Convo Handle Time (Views)
The cumulative amount of time spent by all users viewing all conversations (viewing defined as having the conversation expanded in a timeline), divided by the count of distinct conversations viewed.
Resolution Time - First Marked Done
average of conversation.firstDone.businessTime
Resolution Time - Last Marked Done
average of conversation.lastDone.businessTime 
Response Time - Avg Response Time
average of message.responseBusinessTime
Response Time - Avg First Response Timeaverage of conversation.firstResponse.businessTimeconversation.firstResponse.createdAt
Avg Inbound Msgs/HourCount of distinct where direction:in for each appearance of an interval bucket (day of week, hour of day ie Mon 2-3pm) summed across all appearances of that bucket and divided by the number of bucket appearances over the course of the selected date rangemessage.createdAt
Top Shortcuts Used
group by order by count descending