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Receive email in Kustomer

Last Update: Sep 2024 • Est. Read Time: 3 MIN
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When starting with Kustomer, you must ensure that your team receives email in Kustomer. You can:

  • Connect your custom domain to reply from your company's existing email address.
  • Create a new email alias in the Kustomer domain.
  • Connect your existing Gmail address(es). 
Who can access this feature?
User typesAdmins can access email settings.

In this article

Connect your custom domain

You can reply to customers from Kustomer with your company's email support address. By default, any replies sent from Kustomer come from the system-provided address.

See Connect your custom domain to learn how to set up Kustomer to send emails from your email address.

Create a new alias in the Kustomer domain

Kustomer provides you with a system-provided email address that you can use to provide email support to your customers immediately. This address is:


You can create up to 50 email aliases to match your organization's needs. For example, you can create a alias for your agents and a alias for your sales team. 

To create a new alias:

  1. Go to AppsEmail.
  2. Select Add Email Address and go to Kustomer Address.
  3. Select Continue.
  4. Enter the name of the address you want to create, for example, sales.
  5. Next, enter the display name your customers will see when they email you.
  6. Select an email template to use with this address. By default, email messages sent from Kustomer will be in a blank HTML template with no branding or colors. If you have created a custom branded template, you'll want to select it here so that outbound messages use it.
  7. Optionally, you can turn on Dynamic Alias Name to send messages from the individual agent's name instead of the default email display name. For example, if you turn this setting on, the reply will be from, not
  8. Select Create.

Connect your Gmail address

You can connect your existing Gmail account(s) directly to your Kustomer instance. See Connect your Gmail address with Kustomer to learn how.

Tip: If any of your Gmail email accounts show as Disconnected, select Add Email Address and then select Gmail. From there, you can reauthorize Kustomer in Gmail to reconnect the address.

Email considerations

The following information applies to Kustomer aliases or emails sent via your connected custom domain:

  • Only 20 inbound messages from a single email address are allowed per hour, on an hourly rolling basis. If a single email address sends more than 20 messages to Kustomer within the hour, they will be rejected. If your organization anticipates hitting this rate limit, see Avoid email rate limits for other options.

  • These email addresses support read receipts. However, read receipts are not supported when using the direct Gmail integration.

  • The maximum size for attachments sent in an inbound email must be 35 MB or less. Any attachments over that limit will be blocked and will not come into Kustomer. If a customer needs to send an attachment that exceeds this limit, we recommend having them host the content externally (for example, Google Drive) and sharing a link with you instead.

  • Outbound emails can only contain 9.5 MB of attachments, with no single attachment exceeding 5 MB. If agents need to send attachments that exceed these limits, we recommend hosting the content externally and sharing links in an email instead.

  • The total email size cannot exceed 10 MB.

  • The following file types are not supported, and any emails that contain these types of files will be immediately rejected: vbs, exe, bin, bat, chm, com, cpl, crt, hlp, hta, inf, ins, isp, jse, lnk, mdb, pcd, pif, reg, scr, sct, shs, vbe, vba, wsf, wsh, wsl, msc, msi, msp, mst.

  • Adding a domain to your email provider's allowlist can help ensure that important emails from that domain are not accidentally sent to your spam or junk folder. Since every email provider differs, the exact steps to forward your email can depend on your host. We recommend following their most current documentation. 

Send individual emails to Kustomer with the Bcc address

If you ever receive a message in your inbox that should be visible to your entire team, you can use a Bcc address to bring the message into Kustomer. All organizations can access a Bcc address based on the default organization email address. The Bcc address will always follow this pattern: bcc@<your_company>

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