Manage your searches
Last Update: Sep 2024 • Est. Read Time: 3 MINAdmins have access to more advanced search settings, such as choosing the order that saved search queries appear in the Searches panel, creating folders to help organize their saved searches, and archiving searches. These settings are global, and will affect all users who have access to that particular search.
Who can access this feature? | |
User types | Users can view searches. Users with additional permission sets can create or edit searches. |
In this article:
Search folders
You can use folders to better organize your search queries and provide a simpler way for your agents to navigate through and access your list of saved searches. The visibility of a folder for a particular user is tied to the visibility settings for the search queries that reside in it. If a user does not have access to view a search, they will not have access to view the folder.
You can create up to 50 folders.
To create a folder:
- Go to Settings
> Workspace > Searches.
- Select Add Folder.
- Enter a name for the folder and select Create. The new folder is added to the bottom of the list and is distinguishable by the blue folder icon next to its name.
To edit a folder:
- Select Edit Folder
for the folder you want to edit.
- Update the name of the folder and select Edit.
To delete a folder:
- Select Delete
for the folder you want to delete.
- Select Delete to confirm the action.
Note: You can only delete empty folders. A solid blue folder icon indicates that a folder has searches within it.
To add a search to a folder:
You can add a search to a folder from the Search settings page in one of two ways:
- Drag and drop the search query into the desired folder.
- Select Edit Search
for the search you want to move to a folder.
- Select the folder you want to move the search into from the Folder drop-down menu.
- Select Save Changes.
Global search order
You can change the order in which your search queries and folders appear in the Searches panel for users in your organization.
To change the global order of a search of folder:
- Go to Settings
> Workspace > Searches.
- To change the order in which searches or folders are displayed, drag and drop the search or folder you want to move to its new location in the list.
Note: You cannot drag a folder into another folder.
- You can also change the sort order by selecting the drop-down menu next to the search or folder name and choosing a different order number. Reorganizing the order by number is useful when you have many saved Search queries or folders that cannot all be seen in one page.
Note: Changing the order of these items will affect every user. However, since not all searches are shared with all users, the list will only sort the searches or folders shared with a given individual.
To edit your search:
- Select Edit Search
for the search you want to edit.
- Make your desired changes in the window that opens and then select Save Changes. For more information, see Use Search to Organize Customers, Conversations, and Custom Objects.
Search menu options
Every search listed in the Search settings window has a list of menu options. You can access these options by selecting the menu icon next to the desired search.
The following options are available:
- Go to Search opens the selected search results.
- Archive Search removes the selected search from the Workspace Search panel. Shared teams or members will also lose access to this search once this action is complete. You must select Archive to confirm this action. For more information, see Archiving Searches.
- Delete Search deletes the selected search from the Workspace Search panel. Shared teams or members will lose access to this search once this action is completed. To confirm deletion, select Delete.
- View Audit Log lets you view the changes that were made to the search. For more information, see Audit logs.
Archive searches
You can manually archive any search queries into a separate tab. Doing so will remove the selected search from displaying in the Search panel, but will not delete it permanently.
To archive a search:
- Select the menu icon
next to the search you wish to archive.
- Select Archive Search.
- Confirm the action and select Archive again.
Your search will no longer be visible in the Search panel.
To view archives searches:
- Go to Settings
> Workspace > Searches.
- Select the Archive tab.
The list of archives Searches opens.
To unarchive a search:
- Go to Settings
> Workspace > Searches.
- Select the Archives tab.
- Select the menu icon
next to the search you wish to unarchive.
- Select Activate Search.
The search will now appear in the Search panel with all of its original settings intact.