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Work session attributes

Last Update: Sep 2024 • Est. Read Time: 3 MIN
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A work session represents a period of work of a user in the routing system, from signing in until signing out. A new work session is created every time an agent goes to an available status and keeps track of their workspace and other metrics to determine whether or not new work-items should be routed to them. Work sessions also hold the state for the routing status, the capacity, the queues the agent is "listening-to", and their current team. 

This article lists the available attributes for work sessions. Keep in mind the following key concepts while reviewing these descriptions:

  • Available means the user is available for routed work.
  • Busy means the user is busy and will not be routed work.
  • Unavailable means the user is unavailable for routed work.
  • Capacity is the amount of conversations an agent can have at one time in their inbox. This limit is based on their team assignment.

capacityRemainingNumberAmount of work capacity remaining that the agent can work on (as defined by the routing settings of the team they're available for). This is calculated as Total capacity - open work items assigned to the agent

Used in: Capacity (Team Pulse)
capacityStatusStringCapacity of the agent's work-session, which can be idle, at-capacity, or not-at-capacity.

Used in: Current Agent Status (Queue)
createdAtDateTimestamp of when this work item was created
handledItemCountNumberTotal number of items handled

Used in: Agent Total Handled Items  (Queue)
lastAssignedItemAtDateDate when last item was assigned
lastCompletedItemAtDateDate when last item was completed
modifiedAtDateTimestamp of when this work item was last modified
pausedWorkItemCountNumberNumber of paused (snoozed conversations) currently assigned to the agent
relationships.statusStringStatus ID of the session
relationships.teamStringTeam ID the session relates to
relationships.userStringUser ID the session relates to
revNumberRevision number of this work item (counts up in order)
routableBooleanWhether or not the user is able be routed new items

Used in metric: Current Agent Statuses, Available Agents, Unavailable Agents (Queue)
signedInAtDateTime of first available
signedOutAtDateTime of offline

Used in metric: Current Agent Statuses, Available Agents, Unavailable Agents,  (Queue)
statusTypeStringAgent's status which can be available, unavailable, or busy.

Used in metric: Conversations per Available Agent (Queue)
totalAvailableObjectSum of the total time this agent has been available
totalAvailable.statusAtDateLast time status was changed to available

Used in metric: Available Time Total (Queue)
totalAvailable.timeNumberTotal accumulated time in available state. This is calculated on status change.
totalAvailable.businessTimeNumberTotal accumulated time within business hours in available state. This is calculated on status change.

Used in metric: Available Time Total (Queue)
totalAvailableAtCapacity.timeNumberTime spent at full capacity in available status
totalAvailableAtCapacity.businessTimeNumberTime spent at full capacity within business hours in available status
totalAvailableIdleCapacity.timeNumberTime spent idle in available status
totalAvailableIdleCapacity.businessTimeNumberTime spent idle within business hours in available status
totalAvailableNotAtCapacity.timeNumberTime spent not at capacity (working on at least 1 item) in available status
totalAvailableNotAtCapacity.businessTimeNumberTime spent not at capacity within business hours (working on at least 1 item) in available status
totalBusyObjectSum of the total time this agent has been busy
totalBusy.statusAtDateLast time status was changed to busy

Used in metric: Busy Time Total (Queue)
totalBusy.timeNumberTotal accumulated time in busy state. This is calculated on status change.
totalBusy.businessTimeNumberTotal accumulated time within business hours in busy state. This is calculated on status change.

Used in metric: Busy Time Total (Queue)
totalBusyAtCapacity.timeNumberTime spent at full capacity in busy status
totalBusyAtCapacity.businessTimeNumberTime spent at full capacity within business hours in busy status
totalBusyIdleCapacity.timeNumberTime spent idle in busy status
totalBusyIdleCapacity.businessTimeNumberTime spent idle within business hours in busy status
totalBusyNotAtCapacity.timeNumberTime spent not at capacity (working on at least 1 item) in busy status
totalBusyNotAtCapacity.businessTimeNumberTime spent not at capacity within business hours (working on at least 1 item) in busy status
totalCapacityNumberThe amount of work capacity TOTAL that the agent could work on (as defined by the routing settings of the team they're available for)
totalUnavailableObjectA sum of the total time this agent has been unavailable
totalUnavailable.statusAtDatelast time status `unavailable` was changed to

Used in metric: Unavailable Time Total (Queue)
totalUnavailable.timeNumbertotal accumulated time in unavailable state (calculated on status change)
totalUnavailable.businessTimeNumbertotal accumulated time within business hours in unavailable state (calculated on status change)

Used in metric: Unavailable Time Total (Queue)
totalUnavailableAtCapacity.timeNumberTime spent at full capacity in unavailable status
totalUnavailableAtCapacity.businessTimeNumberTime spent at full capacity within business hours in unavailable status
totalUnavailableIdleCapacity.timeNumberTime spent idle in unavailable status
totalUnavailableIdleCapacity.businessTimeNumberTime spent idle within business hours in unavailable status
totalUnavailableNotAtCapacity.timeNumberTime spent not at capacity (working on at least 1 item) in unavailable status
totalUnavailableNotAtCapacity.businessTimeNumberTime spent not at capacity within business hours (working on at least 1 item) in unavailable status
updatedAtDateTimestamp of when this work item was last updated
workItemCountNumberThe number of items the user currently has assigned to them. This includes snoozed items.

Used in metric: Current Agent Statuses (Queue)