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Manage Kustomer Access settings

Last Update: Oct 2024 • Est. Read Time: 3 MIN
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Manage and monitor access to your Kustomer organization with Kustomer Access settings. 

Kustomer Access settings allow you to:

  • Create and set allowed IP ranges and to secure platform access for agents and team members (available on Ultimate plans).
  • Monitor Kustomer Access events and IP address access in the audit logs for your organization (available on Ultimate plans).
  • Grant the Kustomer Support team access to your Kustomer platform for more efficient technical support (available on all plans).
Who can access this feature?
User typesAdmins can access the Kustomer Access page.

In this article

Introduction to Kustomer Access settings

To access the Kustomer Access settings for a brand, go to Settings and select Security > Kustomer Access. Kustomer Access is a part of the Security settings for your Kustomer organization.

Learn more about your organization's Security settings in Kustomer.

From the Kustomer Access page, you can configure the Technical Support Access and User Access settings for your Kustomer organization.

Learn more about Kustomer's Security options in our help center under Security Settings.

Manage Kustomer Technical Support Access

You can grant the Kustomer Support team access to your organization for more efficient technical support. Technical Support Access allows our Kustomer Support team to log in like a user of your team to observe any issues directly, and offer assistance directly in your Kustomer instance.

Technical Support Access is turned on by default for new Kustomer organizations in order to allow the Kustomer Support team to help you configure, troubleshoot, and solve support requests related to your initial onboarding process. This access can be turned off at any time once your team is fully up and running in Kustomer, or at any point where you no longer have an active technical support concern you'd like to troubleshoot with us.

Use the Technical Support Access toggle to grant or revoke Technical Support Access as needed for your organization.

You can enable or turn off Kustomer Technical Support Access as needed for your organization.

Manage User Access

Configure User Access to limit organization access for a selection of IP address ranges based on team locations or different VPN addresses. This means that team members in your Kustomer organization will be able to use and log in to Kustomer only if their IP address belongs to one of the allowed ranges. 


  • You can add up to 50 IP address ranges.
  • Allowed IP address range updates take effect when a user’s token expires.
  • This feature is available for organizations on Ultimate plans.

The User Access setting displays your current IP address and also shows you the allowed range that includes your current IP address. You will be unable to modify or delete this range unless there is another allowed range that includes your IP address.

Allowed IP Addresses in Kustomer.

Team members who try to access or use your Kustomer organization on an IP address outside of an allowed range will get an allowed IP range error message during login. The error message displays their current IP address and directs the team member to contact an administrator for their organization.

CIDR notation

To learn more about CIDR notation for IP addresses, consult with a member of your security or IT team, or visit these external resources:

Add an IP address range

To add a new IP address range to your allowed ranges, select + Add Range. Enter a descriptive name for the range (for example, the name of an office location or VPN network for a team) and a valid IP range in CIDR notation. You can quickly create a range in CIDR notation using this conversion tool.

Select Save Changes to add and list the new IP range under Allowed Ranges.

Add IP Range for Allowed IP Addresses.

Delete or edit an IP address range

To delete or to edit an existing allowed IP address range, select the respective delete or edit  icon for the range in the Allowed Ranges list.

Delete IP Range for Allowed IP Addresses.

Note: To delete a range that includes your current IP address, your IP address must be included it at least one other existing allowed range.

You can edit the name of the IP range and the IP range in CIDR notation. Select Save Changes to add and list the edited IP range under Allowed Ranges.

Kustomer Access events in the Audit Log

Monitor and search any updates to your Kustomer Access settings in the audit logs for your organization. 

Updates to Kustomer Access settings

The audit logs display any changes to your Kustomer Access IP address rules. This means you can view when an administrator added, edited, or deleted an IP address range in the Allowed Ranges list. The audit logs also show the range name and the before and after values for any new, edited, or deleted IP address ranges.

IP addresses for user login events

The audit logs also display the IP addresses for successful login events. Each successful login event shows the user name, the date of the event, and the IP address for the user login.

Audit Log with Kustomer Org Access events.