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Add chat version and platform info to insight cards

Last Update: Oct 2024 • Est. Read Time: 2 MIN
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When updating your chat version to the newest releases of the Kustomer Chat SDK, it's important to know which version of the SDKs your customers are using. This info helps you diagnose whether a customer is on an older version and experiencing an issue that may potentially already be resolved in a newer update. Additionally, it cuts down on support time if agents don't need to ask a customer what version of an app they're on.

The Conversation Chat Platform and Conversation Chat Version attributes are available in insight cards to help you identify which version of an app a customer is using.

Who can access this feature?
User typesAdmins can access the Klasses page.

In this article


Kustomer regularly updates the Chat SDK with improvements and fixes for issues that have been reported. If an agent and customer are troubleshooting with differing versions of the SDK, a customer may be experiencing an issue from a previous version that has since been resolved. You can minimize support turnaround by collecting version information without agents having to do so manually.

Learn more about recent fixes and changes in our Developer Portal at the Kustomer Chat SDK Changelog.

The Conversation Chat Platform and Conversation Chat Version attributes are available on the Conversation klass for use in insight cards, and can be added by using either the visual builder or code editor. This allows agents to navigate to any chat conversation and view which platform and version your customers are using.

Add attributes to a card using the visual builder

To use this method, the insight card should be labeled with Visual Builder in the settings.

  1. Go to Settings and select Platform > Klasses.
  2. Select Conversation.
  3. Go to the Insight Cards tab.
  4. Edit the desired card.
  5. Select Add Attribute.
  6. Select Conversation Chat Platform and Conversation Chat Version from the list.
  7. When you're finished, Save Changes.

Add attributes to a card using the code editor

To use this method, the insight card should be labeled with Code Editor in the settings.

To add attributes using the code editor:

  1. Go to Settings and select Platform > Klasses.
  2. Select Conversation.
  3. Go to the Insight Cards tab.
  4. Edit the desired card.
  5. Select the Insight Card you would like to add the attributes to.
  6. Add the following code for each attribute. When you're finished, Save Changes.

Conversation Chat Platform

    value={_.get(conversation, 'firstMessageIn.firstDelivered.clientType')}

Conversation Chat Version

    value={_.get(conversation, 'firstMessageIn.firstDelivered.clientVersion')}

Checking chat version and platform via API

As an alternative to the above methods using exposed attributes, you can also make an HTTP GET request to the conversation's endpoint. This method requires more technical effort than using the other methods, but may still be useful if the earlier options aren't available.

To find version information using API:

  1. Create an API key.
  2. Get the ID for the conversation you wish to investigate.
  3. Make an HTTP GETrequest to the conversation's endpoint. This address depends on the production point of deployment for your organization instance:
    • Prod1 (US):{conversation ID}
    • Prod2 (EU):{conversation ID}
  4. Review the returned JSON to find the firstMessageIn object.