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Contact Kustomer Support

Last Update: Mar 2025 • Est. Read Time: 3 MIN
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This article details the various ways you can contact the Kustomer Support team. Our business hours are from 6 PM ET on Sunday until 9 PM ET on Friday.

In this article

Contacting the Kustomer Support team

We offer various methods for requesting assistance or reporting issues:

  • Chat* with us using Helpwithin Kustomer (available for users that are Org Owners or Administrators in their Kustomer organization)
  • Email

*Note: Chat support is not available for the Professional license tier. If your subscription is within the Professional Tier, please direct your support inquiries to

Business Impact

When submitting a request, you can select a business impact to tell us how the reported issue affects you. This lets us prioritize the most urgent issues based on direct client feedback.

24/7 On-Call Support is available for critical issues preventing your team from using Kustomer or problems that are causing a significant business disruption. Some examples of critical issues are:

  • Complete downtime or system failure
  • Inability for a majority of users to access core features or functionality
  • Security breach or unauthorized access to sensitive data
  • Severe performance degradation

You can start a request for On-Call Support using the following method:

  • Chat with us using Helpwithin Kustomer (if you have the Org Owner or Administrator Kustomer permission set assigned)

Our email channel does not allow for Business Impact Selection and will always be treated with medium priority.

General response and resolution times

During business hours
Outside business hours
Low Prioritywithin 4 hoursnext business day
Medium Prioritywithin 2 hoursnext business day
High Prioritywithin 1 hoursnext business day
Critical Prioritywithin 15 minuteswithin 15 minutes

First response times

For our first response, you can expect to have one of our Technical Support Engineers read through your query thoroughly and ask for additional information that will allow us to investigate the issue fully. We'll offer guidance and suggest any quick fixes to get you up and running ASAP.

Average resolution times

Generally, it takes under 4 business days, except if issues are escalated to Development.

Many of the issues we receive can require more in-depth investigation and a deeper understanding of your specific configuration to resolve. The complexity of an issue impacts our average resolution time.

We are continually working to improve our response and resolution times and provide a higher quality of service.

Tips for working with Support

Tell us how to work with you

Let us know in your messages how you'd like us to communicate with you, and we'll do our best to accommodate your request. While we don't currently have a phone channel, we can schedule Zoom calls with clients and offer screen sharing to aid in our troubleshooting. If you're working with us via email and prefer a call, just ask us and we'll get one set up for you.

Reporting multiple issues

Generally, we prefer that separate issues be reported via separate conversations. This allows different team members to work on these issues simultaneously to resolve them sooner.

If you find yourself working on a larger project or making a number of changes to your Kustomer instance all at once, let us know. We'll do our best to route these to the same Support Engineer to help address your concerns.

Ad-hoc training

We are continuing to expand our training and help materials via Kustomer University. If you need additional training on parts of the platform, ask. We are happy to conduct ad-hoc training to help you better utilize the platform. We encourage each of our clients to access Kustomer University, as new content is added regularly.

Kustomer escalation path

To escalate issues and notify our CX Leadership and Senior Support team members, please use If there is an immediate need to connect with our 24/7 on-call support team for assistance with a critical issue, please Chat with us using Help and select Critical as the business impact.