The basics

Learn the basics for working with conversations.
  • Add a new conversation

    When you are viewing a customer's timeline, you can add a new conversation by hovering over the Composeicon. You will see up to three options based upon the existing channels on record for that customer's profile.The available icons are:Compose New Email Compose New SMS Post New Note In this articleCompose a new email or SMSPost a new noteCompose a new email or SMSNote: If you don't see an option to compose an email or SMS, select Customer Profile in the toolbar to update the customer's contact information.When you select either compose option, an empty message will open where you can enter information such as the conversation subject and the new message itself. For example, if you choose Compose New Email, the following screen opens.Here, you can write your message, edit who it is going to, and more. Then, use Send to deliver the message with various sending options. For more information, see Respond to conversations.Post a new noteYou can add a new internal note in the customer's timeline by selecting Post New Note. Notes are only made visible to your team members, and are not shared with customers.Specify the note's subject and body using the fields provided. Then, select Create note to send it.
  • Change conversation status

    Conversation statuses are a way for you to visually show where a conversation is being resolved. You can use sub statuses to customize any of the default statuses.In this articleConversation status optionsSnooze a conversationMark a conversation doneConversation status optionsConversations can have one of the following main statuses:Open indicates that the support request is still being resolved. By default, all inbound messages are marked Open. Snooze indicates that the conversation is open and awaiting follow-up from either the customer or agent.Done indicates that no further action is required. This status is typically used once an agent resolves the issue. Conversations can be re-opened if needed.Snooze a conversationSnoozing a conversation allows you to specify when it will return to an Open status. Select Snooze Conversationto see the snooze options you have available.In this example, you can snooze until:2 hours from the current time.Tomorrow morning at 9 a.m.Next week on Monday morning at 9 a.m.A custom date and timeThe customer repliesNote: Snooze settings can be customized in the Conversation Status settings page. For more information, see Customize Snooze Times.If available, you can also select a Sub Status from the drop-down menu to explain why the conversation is snoozed, such as any next steps needed to progress the conversation.Once set, the icon will change to yellow, and the status will change to Snoozed. Hover over Snooze Conversation to see when it is set to re-open automatically.Once a snooze expires, you will receive an email and notification reminding you about the conversation.You can view the details of the snooze by selecting Snooze Conversation.To remove the current snooze entirely, select Remove Snooze. The conversation will automatically change back to an Open status.Mark a conversation doneIf no further action is required on a conversation, select Mark as Doneto resolve and close the conversation. When agents resolve a conversation, they will be presented with the next top conversation from their inbox when routing is configured.
  • Respond to conversations

    In Kustomer, a conversation represents a set of interactions within a customer about a specific topic. You can respond to messages within a conversation in the customer's timeline.In this articleRespond to a conversationCharacter limitsReply optionsSend a replyChange conversation statusClose the customerRespond to a conversationInbound messages are visible in the customer's timeline. Here, you can type your reply message and format the text as desired using the text editor options. Character limitsThe character limit for your replies depends on the message channel:Email: 10,240Chat: 1,024Text/SMS: 1,600Facebook DM: 2,000Reply optionsYou can also add attachments, shortcuts, snippets, and links to your replies. The following additional options are available:Popout ReplyOpens a separate window for you to write your message.Expandto edit the recipient, add CC or BCC recipients, or respond using a specific template.Delete your reply.Add Emoji Insert an emoji in your reply.Insert shortcutInserts a canned response using workspace shortcuts.SnippetsInserts translated content using text snippets.Add AttachmentInserts a file. The supported file types are .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .zip, .txt, .mov, and .mp4. Individual files cannot exceed 5MB per file. The total attachment size cannot exceed 9.5MB total.Add ImageInserts an image. Currently supported types are .png, .jpg, and .gif. Individual files cannot exceed 5MB per file. The total attachment size cannot exceed 9.5MB total.You can also add an inline image to a new line by drag and dropping an image to the reply window. The maximum attachment size for inline images is 5MB per image. Inline images are supported in:ShortcutsEmailNotesChatNote: If you use a shortcut that includes an inline image in a channel that doesn't support them, the image will be sent as a URL. These URLs are public and can be viewed by anyone, including users outside of your organization.Send a replyOnce you are done writing the response, select Send to immediately send your message. You can access additional send options from the menu  next to the main send button.Choosing a different send option will apply only once, and the editor will revert to the default Send now option after the message is sent. You can change the default send action for the reply editor by going to Settings > Personal > Preferences. The following options are available:Send now (default) Send & mark as done Sends the message and marks it done.Send & snooze until reply Sends the message and marks it snoozed until the customer replies.Press Enter to sendPress the Enter key to respond to a message. This option is only available for chat, SMS, or Facebook Messenger. Selecting this option will leave it on by default.Send laterSchedule your response for a future date and time. This option is only available for SMS and Email.Note: This feature uses our server time and not the agent's machine time to ensure that the message is sent at the specified time. For example, if an agent schedules a message to send at 10 A.M. and their computer is set to 9 A.M and the server time is 8 A.M., the message will be sent 2 hours later.The message appears in the conversation and shows the scheduled time and date in the message. You can change the schedule or delete the message by selecting Undo.Send and snooze This option is available if you have 24 hours turned on as a custom snooze option. Selecting this sends the message and marks it snoozed for the next 24 hours. For more information, see Custom snoooze options.Change conversation statusOnce sent, you can mark this conversation done, and move on to the next conversation. Select Mark As Done in the toolbar above the message, or the Send and Mark Done action while sending your message.Conversations that are marked done will be shown with a green badge and icon to distinguish them from open conversations.If a customer replies after you mark a conversation done, the conversation will be reopened and appear in search.Close the customerThe Inbox and Currently Viewing panels in the sidebar keep track of all the customers you've worked with recently. To remove a customer from the sidebar, select X on an individual customer or Clear all at the top of the list to remove all recent customers.
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