Standard date attributes

Learn about standard Klass date attributes available in the Kustomer platform.
  • Conversation standard date attributes

    The reference table below lists both the display names and system names for Conversation standard Klass date attributes available in the Kustomer platform.You can use the system names for these standard attributes to customize shortcuts, email templates, and other Kustomer features that require the system name for attributes. Additionally, you can use the display name when building a Kustomer custom report in the second step of the chart editor. This table shows the standard date attributes for the Conversation object.Display nameSystem nameDescriptionConversation First Message In SentfirstMessageIn.sentAtThe date and time the first message was sent into the conversation.Conversation Satisfaction CreatedsatisfactionLevel.createdAtThe date and time the conversation satisfaction was created.SLA Matched Atsla.matchedAtThe date and time an SLA was first matched to the conversation.First Breach Atsla.summary.firstBreachAtThe date and time an SLA first breached on the conversation.Satisfied Atsla.satisfiedAtThe date and time an SLA was satisfied.First Response SLA Breach Atsla.firstResponse.breachAtThe date and time the first response SLA was breached.First Response SLA Satisfied Atsla.firstResponse.satisfiedAtThe date and time the first response SLA was satisfied.Longest Unresponded Message SLA Breach Atsla.longestUnrespondedMessage.breachAtThe date and time the longest unresponded message SLA was breached.Longest Unresponded Message SLA Satisfied Atsla.longestUnrespondedMessage.satisfiedAtThe date and time the longest unresponded message SLA was satisfied.Total Convo Open Time SLA Breach Atsla.totalConversationOpenTime.breachAtThe date and time the total convo open time SLA was breached.Total Convo Open Time SLA Satisfied Atsla.totalConversationOpenTime.satisfiedAtThe date and time the total convo open time SLA was satisfied.Total Customer Wait Time SLA Breach Atsla.totalCustomerWaitTime.breachAtThe date and time the total customer wait time SLA was breached.Total Customer Wait Time SLA Satisfied Atsla.totalCustomerWaitTime.satisfiedAtThe date and time the total customer wait time SLA was satisfied.
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