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Automatic language detection

Last Update: Sep 2024 Est. Read Time:
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Kustomer comes with a default Natural Language Processing (NLP) workflow that automatically detects the sentiment of an inbound email message. You can turn on an additional feature that automatically detects the language used in a conversation using Amazon Comprehend's dominant language detection

With this feature, the conversation's Default Language attribute is automatically set once the language used in the interaction is detected. This information can then be used to perform actions such as, routing all conversations of a particular language to the correct team or viewing all conversations for a specific language in a search.

Who can access this feature?
User typesAdmins can access these settings.

In this article

Turn on automatic language detection

To automatically detect which language your customers are using, you must turn the feature on via the Intelligence app.

  1. Go to Appsand select Intelligence.
  2. Select the Detect language automatically checkbox.
  3. Select Save Changes.

With this setting on, Kustomer will now detect the languages used in these messages along with detecting the sentiment of incoming messages.

View a conversation's default language

To view the language your customer's are using, we recommend adding the Conversation Default Language attribute to the Conversation Insight Details card.

Note: The Customer Default Language attribute does not impact the language that gets used in snippets. 

  1. Go to Settings  > Platform > Klasses.
  2. Select Conversation and go to the Insight Cards tab.
  3. Select the Insight Details card.
  4. Search for the Conversation Default Language attribute and drag it to your card.
  5. Select Save Changes.

You will now see the conversation's default language in the card.

Any snippets used to reply to this conversation will be automatically translated to the default language, if available. See Reuse text with snippets for more information.