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Create, manage, and use teams

Last Update: Oct 2024 • Est. Read Time: 2 MIN
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You can use teams to group users together to match your organization's structure and responsibilities.

Who can access this feature?
User typesManagers can create teams.

In this article

Create a team

Teams can be created to organize users by skill (such as, product, billing, returns, or technical) or by department (such as, support, sales, or marketing). How you set up your teams depends on how you want to define your workflow and organize your users.

To create a team:

  1. Go to Settings> Users > Teams.
  2. Select Add Team.
  3. In the modal that appears, add a Name and Display Name for your new team.
    • Name: This is the internal full name for your team. In most cases this is the same as the display name, but you might use a different internal team name for reporting or admin purposes.
    • Display Name: This will be the name of the team that appears to customers or end-users.
  4. Select Create Team.
  5. You'll be taken to the Edit Team page where you can continue configuring settings for this team. Select Add emoji and pick an icon to help you identify your team. The icon is only used internally.
  6. Select Save Changes.

To add members to your team:

  1. While editing a team, select the Members tab.
  2. Enter their name or select it from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Save Changes once you are done.

Turn on a routing profile

Teams need to have a routing profile enabled so that queues can get routed to them correctly. For more information, see Routing Profiles.

Grant your team access with permission sets

You can customize what your teams have access to and can see within the Kustomer platform. For more information, see Use permission sets.

Assign conversations to a team

Users can assign conversations to any team. Once a conversation is assigned to a team, it will appear in the team specific searches and the list of users that can be assigned to the conversation will be filtered to the team members.

To assign a conversation to your team, select a the conversation from the customer’s timeline and then select the assign icon .

Select the team from the Assign to a Team drop-down menu.

Tip: You can keep track of all conversations for a particular customer by selecting the Follow icon in the customer view.

Creating private team searches

Conversations assigned to a team can be used to create searches using the Conversation Assigned Teams search criteria. Searches can be created for a specific team or be specific to the user and show all of the teams the user in.

Use business rules to assign conversations

Please see the following article to learn how to Use business rules to assign conversations to teams.